Dear Michal Suchanek,

I agree Festival is very poor at dealing with different language encoding
Unfortunately I am not fluent in the Czech language or its encoding
systems. (I
only speak English and Russian). As such I am probably not the best person
to assist
you since the encoding system for festival voices is connected with the
language voice
files rather than the main package. You might have more luck filing this
bug directly with
the people who maintain the Czech voice packages in Debian.

I might make the following observations about the English encoding. In
general this works
for 7 bit ASCII but once you have apostrophe's from higher in the Unicode
character set festival is all
over the place. Similarly directional quotation symbols provide no end of
trouble since they are
also above the 7bit barrier. As such I use the program "iconv" to
preprocess English string
before sending them to festival. My understanding is that screenreaders for
the blind also
currently send stuff through "iconv" before piping it to festival to get it
to work for English. I guess this statement
is just here to give you a feel that it is not just Czech which is poorly
supported on encoding schemes.

My understanding although I am not familiar with the language is the
Catalan users of Festival  have support
for Unicode within their voices files. Maybe you could ask around that
community for tips on writing patches to
Czech voice files for encoding systems other than those currently
supported. It is also my understanding that
Unicode encoding is available for Sinhala language support in festival.

If you have any luck in writing a better system for generally dealing with
encoding systems I would be happy
to add it to the Debian festival package whether or not you are able to get
it accepted upstream. I have seen discussion
in the upstream support forum discussing encoding as an area where festival
can be improved.

Please report back if the czech voice maintainer are able to help you in
the first instance.

with best regards,
Peter Drysdale

Uploader for Debain festival package.

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