Lot of time has passed since your last activity in the package (more than 3
I did a bounch of work to the package, currently stored in this git repository:
(it's a clone of yours).

There is only a thing that needs works: the script installed at
/usr/bin/eatmydata contains a reference to the a path, dependants from the
architecture where the package is build. Given that the eatmydata pacakge is
arch:all and so it's built only on the uploader computer (usually amd64) it
contains a reference to /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ witch is architecture

Apart from that the package is ready to be uploaded, and broadly tested by me
on my computer, where I build stuff for a lot of architecture using
qemu-user-static and libeatmydata:{amd64,i386,armhf,armel,arm64} coinstalled.

Given that you don't seem to be much interested on this package I wonder if you
are looking for a help (maybe a comantainer?) in that case, I'm available.

                                                Mattia Rizzolo

GPG Key: 4096R/B9444540 http://goo.gl/I8TMB
more about me:          http://mapreri.org
Launchpad User:         https://launchpad.net/~mapreri
Ubuntu Wiki page:       https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MattiaRizzolo

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