Hi Jacob,

On 2013-05-18 18:28:16, Jacob Hallén wrote:
> This package is intended by its author to be sccessed as 
> from flaskext.openid import OpenID

No. This is a upstream change. Check [1] for details.

If you have found that somewhere in the documentation shipped in the
Debian package, then that's a bug in the documentation. Otherwise you've
found outdated documentation on the net.

> Its current location requires it to be accessed as
> from flask_openid import OpenID

flask_<name> is the new scheme for flask extension names (flask >= 0.8).
See [2] for details and transition mechanism.

> This is a non-portable change. flask_openid.py should be renamed openid.py 
> and 
> moved into the flaskext subdirectory of dist-packages

Nothing to fix here. So if it's not a bug in the documentation shipped
in the package, I intend to close this bug.


[2] http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/extensiondev/#ext-import-transition
Sebastian Ramacher

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