-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 My new Kernel-Configuration is attached. This one clearly gives the best user-experience so far. Before this I had a normal desktop-kernel running with 1000Hz timer-frequency. Now this version has both: 1000 Hz, so it will not be good for running inside any virtual machine probably and low-latency-desktop. Numa-support was also added. It is quite nice. It only choked once at second boot and told me to use detect-sensors, which I did. The result of it was that 'lm85' and 'k8temp' were added to /etc/modules. These are sensor-modules for use by lmsensor. Now k8temp should not be necessary yet, because the CPU is still running at the minimum of 2x800 MHz, but next time I am going to add the k8temp-module to the configuration. [config-3.10.11caftln.xz] -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)
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