control: tags -1 + moreinfo unreproducible
control: severity -1 important

from #debian-edu

[00:17] <      h01ger> | anybody using virtualbox on wheezy here?
[00:17]              * | h01ger would like to know if this bug is 
reproducible:  #733009
[00:17] <      h01ger> |  virtualbox: Clicking Settings on any VM causes X11 
and the display manager to crash and restart
[01:24]              * | jever does use that
[01:32] < jever> used month ago the vbox
[01:32] < jever> I use debian only
[01:32] < jever> Don't saw that bug
[01:34] <      h01ger> | jever: cool, thanks
[01:34]              * | h01ger downgrades and tags accordingly
[01:35] < jever> but don't understand what triggers the bug
[01:35] <      h01ger> | i suspects its some window manager stuff or something 


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