So I finally got around to taking a look at the code, and I tracked
down what is happening.

Starting at line 63 of backend/, a notification email
is generated using
templates/notification_mails/am_assigned_to_applicant.txt when
Process.progress goes from app_ok to am_rcvd This is the email with
the title starting "New 'Debian Developer, uploading' applicant" that
is sent to the AM and the applicant's archive, but not the applicant

restricted/ generates its own email (line 484) when it
receives a POST (line 645) from
restricted/templates/restricted/assign-am.html This doesn't use the
same template, but instead builds an almost identical message. This is
the email with the title starting "New NM applicant" that is sent to
the AM and and the applicant, but not the applicant's archive.

I could send a patch, but I'm not sure which email is the "correct"
one. So I don't know which one to disable. Which ever one is kept, it
should probably be changed to send the mail to the AM, the applicant's
archive, and the applicant themselves.


-- Andrew Starr-Bochicchio

   Ubuntu Developer <>
   Debian Developer <>

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