* Nicolas CANIART: " [tryton-debian] Bug#738565: tryton-proteus: Python module
  is missing, package contains only documentation and man page." (Mon, 10 Feb
  2014 18:46:36 +0100):

> Package: tryton-proteus
> Version: 3.0.0-2
> Severity: grave
> Justification: renders package unusable
> Dear Maintainer,
>   Here is the content of the tryton-proteus package:
>     /.
>     /usr
>     /usr/share
>     /usr/share/doc
>     /usr/share/doc/tryton-proteus
>     /usr/share/doc/tryton-proteus/README.Debian
>     /usr/share/doc/tryton-proteus/changelog.Debian.gz
>     /usr/share/doc/tryton-proteus/changelog.gz
>     /usr/share/doc/tryton-proteus/copyright
>     /usr/share/doc/tryton-proteus/examples
>     /usr/share/doc/tryton-proteus/examples/README
>     /usr/share/man
>     /usr/share/man/man1
>     /usr/share/man/man1/proteus.1.gz
>   I would expect the package to contain the proteus modules as
> advertised by the package description.
> I guess a .install file is missing the debian directory. I am
> only starting to familiarize myself with pybuild; so I am not
> 100% sure this is the solution.

Hi Nicolas,

thanks for your report. Rebuilt the package, double checked the content,



    Mathias Behrle
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