Severity: normal
Usertags: binnmu

Please schedule binNMUs for these packages, their current binaries
ship conflicting files because of a bug in the build tool gem2deb
(see #743671 for details).

nmu ruby-atomic_1.1.16-1 . ALL .  -m 'Rebuild to remove mkmf.log'
nmu ruby-bcrypt_3.1.7-2 . ALL .  -m 'Rebuild to remove mkmf.log'
nmu ruby-bson-ext_1.10.0-1 . ALL .  -m 'Rebuild to remove mkmf.log'
nmu ruby-curb_0.8.5-2 . ALL .  -m 'Rebuild to remove mkmf.log'
nmu ruby-eventmachine_1.0.3-5 . ALL .  -m 'Rebuild to remove mkmf.log'
nmu ruby-hiredis_0.5.1-1 . ALL .  -m 'Rebuild to remove mkmf.log'
nmu ruby-hitimes_1.2.1-2 . ALL .  -m 'Rebuild to remove mkmf.log'
nmu ruby-nokogiri_1.6.1+ds-2 . ALL .  -m 'Rebuild to remove mkmf.log'

Thank you,
 ,''`.  Christian Hofstaedtler <>
: :' :  Debian Developer
`. `'   7D1A CFFA D9E0 806C 9C4C  D392 5C13 D6DB 9305 2E03

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Description: Digital signature

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