Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist

* Package name    : khal
  Version         : 0.1
  Upstream Author : Christian Geier <>
* URL             :
* License         : Expat/MIT
  Programming Lang: Python
  Description     : a CLI (console) calendar build around CalDAV

Khal is a CLI (console), CalDAV based calendar program, allowing syncing
of calendars with a variety of other programs on a host of different

- khal can sync events from CalDAV calendar collections (and load plain
  icalendar files over http(s))
- add simple new events to a calendar and upload them
- ikhal (interactive khal) can show and edit events in the current and
  next two months
- simple recurring events support (no exceptions just yet)
- you cannot edit the timezones of events
- khal should run on all major operating systems [1]_ (has been tested
  on FreeBSD and Debian GNU/Linux)

Up to know, I was unable to find a console based calendar solution
similar to imapfilter+offlineimap+mutt. I currently use remind,
calendar, wyrd, and a lot of scripts to glue theses together and with
orage. I need to download full ics files when syncing, whereas khal
could help to only sync with dav !

Why not creating the package myself, maintaining. I am a Linux addict
since 1994, a full time debian user since 1999, I install Debian
everywhere (pro and pers laptops, home and datacenter servers, Raspberry
Pi cluster, ...), already made a lot of debian packages before, had my
personal and professional repositories (with dput and mini-dinstall), I
don't have any sponsor yet, but would be interested to have one and to
become a Debian maintainer. So, why not.


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