[Resending to the list. The bug was archived so the initial email was rejected]
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Justin Cappos R<jcap...@nyu.edu> Date: Fri, May 5, 2017 at 6:01 AM Subject: Memory addresses still seem to appear in sphinx docs... To: 822...@bugs.debian.org Cc: Dmitry Shachnev <mity...@debian.org>, Alexis Bienvenüe <p...@passoire.fr > I am taking a look at some of the reproducible-builds packages that are still failing and still see some issues that look like they may be from memory addresses being output by sphinx. For example, django-celery outputs the following memory address (see https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/debian/rb-pkg/ unstable/amd64/diffoscope-results/django-celery.html ): ./usr/share/doc/python-django-celery-doc/html/reference/djcelery.app.html: <code·class="descclassname">djcelery.app.</code><code· class="descname">app</code><em·class="property">·=·< Celery·default:*0x7f468b76b310*></em><a·class=" headerlink"·href="#djcelery.app.app"·title="Permalink· to·this·definition">¶</a></dt> ./usr/share/doc/python-django-celery-doc/html/searchindex.js ····terms:·{ ········"*0x7f468b76b310*":·8, ········"2to3":·0, I checked the github issue tracker and this doesn't seem to be listed there, but it is possible that this issue is related: https://github.com/sphinx-doc/sphinx/issues/1721. Thanks, Justin