Bug#825305: hints on the gthumb gconf2->gsettings convertion issue

2016-05-29 Thread Herbert Fortes (hpfn)
Hi, Em 29/05/2016 16:37, Andreas Henriksson escreveu: Hello Herbert Fortes. Hopefully I can help out with the information you need. The debian pkg gthumb-data built from src:gthumb contains the convertion file: https://sources.debian.net/src/gthumb/3:3.4.3-1/data/gthumb.convert/ Among other t

Bug#825305: hints on the gthumb gconf2->gsettings convertion issue

2016-05-29 Thread Andreas Henriksson
Hello Herbert Fortes. Hopefully I can help out with the information you need. The debian pkg gthumb-data built from src:gthumb contains the convertion file: https://sources.debian.net/src/gthumb/3:3.4.3-1/data/gthumb.convert/ Among other things this file specifies the gconf2 key called "show-thu