Package: attic
Version: 0.13-1

I attached a test script to this report. get root and do

cd /root
mkdir delme
cd delme
attic init mystore

now edit the script and configure it for local REPO and singletask.
run it, it will work.

now edit the script and configure it for local REPO and parallel.
run it, it will work.

now edit the script and configure it for remote REPO and singletask.
run it, it will work.

now edit the script and configure it for remote REPO and parallel.
run it, it will FAIL with tons of message like these:

attic: /usr/bin/xdg-screensaver: [Errno 17] File exists:
attic: /usr/bin/xmodmap: [Errno 17] File exists:
attic: /usr/bin/xmore: [Errno 17] File exists:
attic: /usr/bin/xosview: [Errno 17] File exists:
attic: /usr/bin/xpmtoppm: [Errno 17] File exists:
attic: /usr/bin/xprop: [Errno 17] File exists:

and other message aswell.

the used filesystem type is ext3 with noatime mount option.

the script seems unable to produce data corruption, because
attic check mystore
does not show problems. but anyway you see that backing up your data
does not work.

but in my real world scenario where i tried to backup all my servers on
a central attic repository i did not only have failed backups but also
the repository got corrupted on every night (backups run at night) -
which made the system completely unusable.

this is the result then:

backuphost:/backups/attic# attic check .
Starting repository check...
Error reading segment 0
Error reading segment 1
Error reading segment 2
Error reading segment 3
Error reading segment 4
Error reading segment 5
Error reading segment 6
Error reading segment 7
Error reading segment 8
Error reading segment 9
... and so on.

no, the harddisc or filesystem is not corrupt, it is really the
repository itself.

I think there should be some kind of warning to administrators not to
use attic via ssh although that might be the main usage scenario...


Description: application/shellscript

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