Package: wnpp
Owner: gregor herrmann <>
Severity: wishlist

* Package name    : libalt-alien-ffi-system-perl
  Version         : 0.14
  Upstream Author : Graham Ollis <>
* URL             :
* License         : Artistic or GPL-1+
  Programming Lang: Perl
  Description     : simplified alternative to Alien::FFI that uses system libffi

Alien::FFI makes libffi available to other Perl distributions.

Alt::Alien::FFI::System provides an alternative implementation of Alien::FFI
that is geared toward system integrators when libffi is provided by the
operating system. It will NOT attempt to download or install libffi, contrary
to the original Alien::FFI.

The package will be maintained under the umbrella of the Debian Perl Group.

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