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From: Vivien Guillet <vivien.guil...@laposte.net>
Date: Thu, Jul 14, 2016 at 11:01 AM
Subject: Re: [nat-users] Fwd: Bug#830483: natbraille: Please consider
moving to Saxon-HE
To: Bruno Mascret <bmasc...@free.fr>, Samuel Thibault
<sthiba...@debian.org>, debian-accessibil...@lists.debian.org,
eug...@debian.org, Djidjo - Trio Led Crush <dji...@trioledcrush.org>


This is a known (and hopefully solved) problem : in short,
"saxon-iterate" extension was arbitrarily removed from the free saxon
version years ago. Please read this post about natbraille / saxon he :


I thought that it had already been solved by writing an alternate and
iterate-free version of miseEnPage.xsl ("page layout") without
saxon-iterate. Seems this correction did not make it to the version you

-> *Djidjo*, did you port the miseenpage.xsl replacement in
Natbraille-Brailliti ?

Code of alternate and original :



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