Control: tag -1 + fixed-upstream


على الخميس 11 آب 2016 ‫02:06، كتب Aurelien Jarno:
> glibc 2.24 has removed the deprecated BSD union wait type if favor of
> the POSIX 1 interface using W* macros from <sys/wait.h> (such as
> glibc 2.24 is already available in experimental and will plan to upload
> it to sid in the next days/weeks. The embedded tcsh copy will fail to
> build (see bug#833965), causing in turn gridengine to fail to build from
> source. You will find attached a patch taken from upstream tcsh to fix
> the issue.

Many thanks. It appears that upstream has applied this patch as well as
some similar changes elsewhere in other affected areas of the codebase [1].

Many thanks and regards


Afif Elghraoui | عفيف الغراوي

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