Control: tags -1 + patch

Here is a patch to fix the init file loading issue (bug #834420).

It appears that the reason this is _not_ currently an FTBFS is that
debhelper sets PERL_USE_UNSAFE_INC=1.

Presumably for the same reason, other packages that use latex2html and
rely on this feature, if they use 'dh', are not currently affected.

And although bug #834423 is a separate issue, presumably debhelper is
also the reason that bug does not occur on stretch.

I generally agree that for a "text processing" tool like latex2html to
load perl code, by default, from a hidden file in the current
directory, is a poor design decision.  Not sure what can be done about

(That said, I wouldn't run latex2html on untrusted input any more than
I would run latex on untrusted input.)
Description: Correctly load init file if it is in the current directory.
 By default, if a file '.latex2html-init' exists in the current
 directory, it is loaded at startup.  Alternatively, the user can
 specify an init file on the command line.
 The previous code would simply 'require' this file, on the assumption
 that the current directory is part of @INC.  On Debian, @INC no
 longer contains '.' by default, so this fails.
 Instead, prepend './' to the init file name, unless it is already an
 absolute path, so that perl will load the desired file (and no other)
 regardless of the value of @INC.

Author: Benjamin Moody <>
Last-Update: 2017-10-25

--- latex2html-2015-debian1.orig/
+++ latex2html-2015-debian1/
@@ -434,7 +434,11 @@ if ($INIT_FILE) {
     if (-f $INIT_FILE && -r _) {
         print "Note: Initialising with file: $INIT_FILE\n"
             if ($DEBUG || $VERBOSITY);
-        require($INIT_FILE);
+        if ($INIT_FILE =~ /^\//) {
+            require($INIT_FILE);
+        } else {
+            require("./$INIT_FILE");
+        }
     } else {
         die "Error: Could not find file (-init_file): $INIT_FILE\n";

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