Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: David Steele <>

* Package name    : cryfs
  Version         : 0.9.5
  Upstream Author : Sebastian Messmer
* URL             :
* License         : LGPL
  Programming Lang: C++
  Description     : encrypt your files and store them in the cloud

CryFS encrypts your files, so you can safely store them anywhere. It
works well together with cloud services like Dropbox, iCloud, OneDrive
and others.

It uses FUSE to establish a relationship between two directories. One
contains normal files. That directory is backed by another containing
an encrypted representation of the files.

It is roughly equivalent to the already-packaged EncFS, but is said to be
more secure (

The most recent release prints a disclaimer that it should not yet be
used in production. Releasing to experimental.

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