Control: reassign -1 python-pkg-resources
Control: retitle -1 pkg_resources: ‘load_entry_point’ crashes without Setuptools
Control: forcemerge 836710 -1

On 11-Sep-2016, Helge Kreutzmann wrote:

> Installing either pypy-setuptools or python3-setuptools does not
> help but python-setuptools does the trick.
> I do no install recommends by default (but I don't see
> python-setuptools being recommended by dput).

Yes, the documented API of ‘pkg_resources.load_entry_point’ is all
that is needed, so no dependency on Setuptools is declared.

The bug is that the ‘pkg_resources’ module installed by
‘python-pkg-resources’ currently does not provide the API as documented.

Thanks for the report. I am merging it with the existing report for
this bug.

 \      “I used to be a proofreader for a skywriting company.” —Steven |
  `\                                                            Wright |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney <>

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