Severity: normal
Usertags: rm

Dear ftp-masters, dear users of PIDA,

the last release of PIDA upstream was in late 2010. I never got around
to packaging that, because PIDA 0.6 introduced a number of new and (at
the time) tricky to package dependencies. Since then upstream
development came to a complete halt, the domain was taken over by a
private blog, one of the original core maintainers started a successor
IDE, its development stalled and even its domain has now been taken over
by a domain squatter. (Oh, and the git server where my packaging resided
vanished from the face of the earth. But I'm gonna safe that somewhere.)

I myself have not felt the need to use PIDA in a long time. The concept
of embedding a classical text editor via X embedding was never that
robust, especially when trying to support both vim and emacs at the same
time, and the IDE just didn't bring enough debugging power etc. to the
table to make up for that.

It just doesn't make sense to commit ressources to supporting PIDA for
yet another debian release. In all honesty, I should have sent this
removal request before the release of jessie. I apologize to the 39
remaining people who (according to PopCon) still have PIDA installed
and might still be using it.

Keep coding !

With kind regards,

For posterity: the last (to my knowledge) released tarball of PIDA was
and the (possibly abandoned) successor project by the last remaining
upstream author was .

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