Package: saods9
Version: 7.5+repack1-1
Severity: important

When I enable one of the graphs in the "View" menu, I get an error box
"An internal error has been detected [OK]" as soon as the mouse is in
the image area, but outside of the borders of the FITS image.
This window immediately re-appears as long as I don't move it to a place
where the cursor is not left over such an area after the error box

On the Debian build, I also get a segmentation fault when I am in within
the borders of a FITS image, when calling Base::bltCut(char*, char*,
Coord::Orientation, Vector const&) () in frame/frblt.C line 947.
This does not appear in the original built.

The first issue is solved with patch [1], the Debian specific problem
however remains and needs some more investigation.


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