On Thu, Oct 05, 2017 at 08:10:16PM -0400, Antonio Russo wrote:
> Hi!
> I forked the Alioth repository, and got the debian packaging able
> to build 0.7.2 (the spl ./debian required no changes).
> The fork is available on github:
> https://github.com/aerusso/pkg-zfsonlinux-zfs/tree/proposed-changes/debian
> I dropped a patch that seemed to diverge from upstream's support for powerpc,
> mostly because I have no ability to test that platform (and the code around
> that seemed to have quite a bit of churn). Also several patches were applied
> upstream, so they also got removed.
> How can I help out the packaging team on this? Who should I email?

note: I am not the maintainer or even a DM in general..

you could have probably saved yourself a lot of effort if you had read
the full history of this bug, and noticed I already have a working 0.7.2
branch for SPL and ZFS up on my github ;)

I am planning to do an NMU for with compat patches for 4.13 if
I find a sponsor (this weekend), and then a bigger NMU for 0.7.2 (in
which I will introduce a new binary package zfs-test in accordance with
upstream's packaging, which means a trip through NEW) soon after.

the zfsonlinux maintainers for Debian are pretty much inactive
currently, so if you want to help out you are of course more than

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