Control: tags -1 +ipv6
Control: severity -1 serious


We are also affected by this bug when uprading to stretch
(1.5-13+deb9u1).  Our setup is similar to alexk's.
Assuming a /e/n/i with:

auto bond0
iface bond0 inet static

iface bond0 inet6 static
        address 1:2:3::4
        netmask 64

auto br100
iface br100 inet static
        bridge_ports bond0.100

when bridge-utils tries to ifup br100, `create_vlan_port()` ends up
disabling ipv6 connectivity in bond0 which receives untagged traffic and
belongs to a completely different broadcast domain from br100. Since we are
using bond0 for the management of the host machine, the upgrade to
stretch breaks our ipv6 connectivity to the host. 

As a temporary workaround we are using a with a patch similar to
JT's. I'm bumping the priority to serious, if you think it's not
appropriate please adjust it accordingly.

Kind Regards,
Gregory Potamianos
Skroutz S.A

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