Package: apticron
Version: 1.1.61

Dear maintainer:

After installing apticron I got a lot of unwanted dependencies.
This is because apticron depend on "mailx" which is purely virtual,
and apt choose mailutils and all its dependencies.

For a simple notification tool like this, bsd-mailx is more than enough.

Suggested patch below.


--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ Vcs-Git: git://
 Package: apticron
 Architecture: all
 Pre-Depends: dpkg (>=
-Depends: mailx, apt (>= 1.1~exp9), ucf (>= 0.28), cron | cron-daemon, bzip2, 
+Depends: bsd-mailx | mailx, apt (>= 1.1~exp9), ucf (>= 0.28), cron | 
cron-daemon, bzip2, ${misc:Depends}
 Recommends: apt-listchanges, iproute2
 Description: Simple tool to mail about pending package updates
  Apticron is a simple script which sends daily emails about pending package

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