On Fri, 22 Jun 2018 18:36:21 +0200 Paul Gevers <elb...@debian.org> wrote:
> > This all seems quite a lot of workaround.  It would be
> > better to treat britney as free software that we can modify to DTRT.
> Yes, but it is more difficult there. Indeed, it is the Right Thing To
> Do. It was in my summary emailĀ¹ as my second work item.

I have a version of britney running parallel to the real one now which
changes that are supposed to do this. Already in a couple of cases, it
has come up with solutions that prevented apt-get fallback and thus also
this issue.

I now realize better that I agree with Ian that autopkgtest should not
get in the user's way if the user asks to test suite version A on
package version B. So I am considering to mark this bug as wontfix once
the real britney knows what to do.


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