Package: sponsorship-requests
Severity: Important

  Dear mentors,

  I am looking for a sponsor for my package "arc-theme"

 * Package name    : arc-theme
   Version         : 20180715-1
  Upstream Author : NicoHood <> and David Mohammed
 * URL             :
 * License         : GPL-3+ / LPGL-2.1
   Section         : misc

  It builds those binary packages:

    arc-theme  - Flat theme with transparent elements

  To access further information about this package, please visit the
following URL:

  Alternatively, one can download the package with dget using this command:

    dget -x


1. Have run check-all-the-things and fixed any relevant results
2. Have run lintian -i -I --pedantic on the built changes file
and resolved issues reported.
3. I have not included an autopkgtest since I don't believe it is
relevant for a GTK theme.
4. May I request that this package be added to my debian maintainers list
of packages I'm allowed to look after (dak ? ;
Nico and myself are working on specific GTK+3.24 GNOME Shell changes
and would like to upload this fairly soon after this is completed &
tested.  This upload is primarily to resolve the current FTBFS in

  Changes since the last upload:
  * New upstream version 20180715
  * patch 0001-Prepare-for-GNOME-3.30-and-Gtk-3.24-99-100.patch
    - build for GTK+3.24 (Closes: #908210)
  * Packaging Changes
    - control: Bump Standards-Version; rules made more verbose
    - control: Revise build-dependencies to reflect upstream changes
    - control: Add GTK+ runtime dependency to reflect addition of
      3.24 patch addition
    - control: Update runtime dependency to reflect new updated GNOME
      package name

   David Mohammed

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