Source: odot
Severity: normal
Usertags: gtk2-removal


This package depends on libgtk2-perl, that I intend to remove
from testing soon after the Buster release, and then from sid at
some later point during the Bullseye development cycle:

Please get in touch with the upstream project and suggest they
port this application to libgtk3-perl. I've personally ported
a couple Perl GTK+ apps from 2.x to 3.x and it's rather
straightforward. Upstream for the GTK+ 3 and GObject
Introspection Perl bindings is responsive and happy to add
missing bits to the bindings.

This being said, the package was orphaned last year and the current
"votes" count on popcon is 2. So I think should remove it from the
archive if/once it's clear that it won't be ported to GTK+ 3.


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