Package: bash
Version: 5.0.3(1)
Severity: normal

This bug occurs with the root account,

If a normal user types "su -l<enter>" and issues this "ls" statement,

ls -ld .!(?(.))

the output is without error. (the output lists all dot items with the exception of the annoying literals "." and "..")

If "su<enter>" (without the -l), is given instead, then "!" is taken to be something else as though I am attempting to fire up a bash history command (eg: "!100" to run the 100th command from bash's history list)

The error with ls -ld .!(?(.)) after doing "su<enter>"
"bash: !: event not found"

I could run this command in any directory without any issue, the error only occurs when entering the root account in bash with "su<enter>"

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