Compiling from source and running in gdb, the crash happens in
In line 24, the variable uri is defined as:
    new Soup.URI(get_view().get_uri())
but get_view().get_uri() turns out to be null,

Running with logging (SHOTWELL_LOG=1 SHOTWELL_LOG_FILE=:console:), I get:
L 22817 2019-08-14 02:30:27 [DBG] PublishingPluginHost.vala:113:
ConcretePublishingHost.start_publishing( ): invoked.
L 22817 2019-08-14 02:30:27 [DBG] PhotosPublisher.vala:525:
GooglePhotos.Publisher: start() invoked.
L 22817 2019-08-14 02:30:27 [DBG] GoogleAuthenticator.vala:421:
ACTION: showing service welcome pane.
L 22817 2019-08-14 02:30:27 [DBG] PublishingUI.vala:542:
PublishingDialog: install_pane( ): invoked.
L 22817 2019-08-14 02:30:35 [DBG] GoogleAuthenticator.vala:427: EVENT:
user clicked 'Login' in welcome pane.
L 22817 2019-08-14 02:30:35 [DBG] GoogleAuthenticator.vala:167:
ACTION: running OAuth authentication flow in hosted web pane.
L 22817 2019-08-14 02:30:35 [DBG] PublishingPluginHost.vala:70:
Publishing.PluginHost: install_dialog_pane( ): invoked.
L 22817 2019-08-14 02:30:35 [DBG] PublishingUI.vala:542:
PublishingDialog: install_pane( ): invoked.
L 22817 2019-08-14 02:30:35 [DBG] PublishingUI.vala:545:
PublishingDialog: install_pane( ): a pane is already installed;
removing it.
Segmentation fault

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