Package: dput
Version: 1.0.3
Severity: wishlist

Dear Maintainer,

Today I spent some time debugging why upload to my private server get
0644 permissions, no matter how I change permissions of built packages
and no matter how I tweak umask on both sending and receiving hosts.

Problem is following code (

        if change_mode:
                fix_command = ['ssh']
                for anopt in ssh_config_options:
                    fix_command += ['-o', anopt]
                fix_command += [
                        '%s%s' % (login_spec, fqdn), 'chmod', '0644'
                        ] + files_to_fix
                if debug:
                    sys.stdout.write("D: Fixing some permissions\n")
                    sys.stdout.write("D: %s\n" % fix_command)
                exit_status = dputhelper.check_call(fix_command)
                if exit_status != dputhelper.EXIT_STATUS_SUCCESS:
                    sys.stdout.write("Error while fixing permissions.\n")

Please, make this behavior optional. It is not documented (or I failed
spectacularly at finding documentation), causes major headache when I
need files to have another (664) permissions and makes `dput` report
error, if remote host allows scp/rsync execution, but not arbitrary

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