Package: funcoeszz
Version: 15.5-1.1
Severity: normal

The package description reads as follows:

| Description: script with 170+ useful mini applications
|  Funcoes ZZ is a bash script that contains more than 170 useful applications,
|  ready to run from command line on UNIX systems (Linux, BSD, Cygwin,
|  Mac OS X, and others). This functions includes:
|     Conversions and calculations (dates, hours, measure units, CPF, CNPJ)
|     File manipulation (change name, extension, content)
|     Data manipulation (statistics, filters, password generators)
|     Internet site queries (dictionaries, translators, news, searches)

Though the script is "portuguese only":

| % funcoeszz help
| Função inexistente 'zzhelp' (tente --help)
| % funcoeszz --help
| Uso: funcoeszz <função> [<parâmetros>]
| Lista de funções:
|     funcoeszz zzzz
|     funcoeszz zzajuda --lista
| Ajuda:
|     funcoeszz zzajuda
|     funcoeszz zzcores -h
|     funcoeszz zzcalcula -h
| Instalação:
|     funcoeszz zzzz --bashrc
|     source ~/.bashrc
|     zz<TAB><TAB>
| Saiba mais:

It's not really useful for folks who don't understand portuguese, so
unless it provides L10n support, IMO at least the package
description should clarify/mention that it's portuguese-only.


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