Source: sassphp
Version: 0.5.16-1
Severity: serious
Justification: FTBFS on amd64
Tags: bullseye sid ftbfs
Usertags: ftbfs-20200222 ftbfs-bullseye


During a rebuild of all packages in sid, your package failed to build
on amd64.

Relevant part (hopefully):
> make[2]: Entering directory '/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/build-7.4'
> Build complete.
> Don't forget to run 'make test'.
> =====================================================================
> PHP         : /usr/bin/php7.4 
> PHP_SAPI    : cli
> PHP_VERSION : 7.4.3
> PHP_OS      : Linux - Linux ip-172-31-14-207 4.19.0-6-cloud-amd64 #1 SMP 
> Debian 4.19.67-2+deb10u2 (2019-11-11) x86_64
> INI actual  : /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/build-7.4/tmp-php.ini
> More .INIs  :   
> CWD         : /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/build-7.4
> Extra dirs  : 
> VALGRIND    : Not used
> =====================================================================
> TIME START 2020-02-23 02:51:45
> =====================================================================
> TEST 1/22 [tests/arginfo_present.phpt]
> PASS Making sure ARG_INFO is present [tests/arginfo_present.phpt] 
> TEST 2/22 [tests/available.phpt]
> PASS Check for sass presence [tests/available.phpt] 
> TEST 3/22 [tests/check_bundled_libsass_version.phpt]
> FAIL check bundled libsass version [tests/check_bundled_libsass_version.phpt] 
> TEST 4/22 [tests/class_exists.phpt]
> PASS Test Sass is a class [tests/class_exists.phpt] 
> TEST 5/22 [tests/class_instantiatable.phpt]
> PASS Test Sass is instantiatable [tests/class_instantiatable.phpt] 
> TEST 6/22 [tests/file_comments.phpt]
> PASS compiles correct Sass file and provides source comments 
> [tests/file_comments.phpt] 
> TEST 7/22 [tests/file_embed.phpt]
> PASS compiles correct Sass file and provides source embedding 
> [tests/file_embed.phpt] 
> TEST 8/22 [tests/file_indent.phpt]
> PASS compiles SASS file in comparison to SCSS based SASS file 
> [tests/file_indent.phpt] 
> TEST 9/22 [tests/get_map_path.phpt]
> PASS correctly handles getting source map path [tests/get_map_path.phpt] 
> TEST 10/22 [tests/get_map_root.phpt]
> PASS correctly handles getting source map root [tests/get_map_root.phpt] 
> TEST 11/22 [tests/handles_comments.phpt]
> PASS correctly handles setting and getting comments 
> [tests/handles_comments.phpt] 
> TEST 12/22 [tests/handles_embed.phpt]
> PASS correctly handles setting and getting source embedding 
> [tests/handles_embed.phpt] 
> TEST 13/22 [tests/handles_include_path.phpt]
> PASS correctly handles includePath [tests/handles_include_path.phpt] 
> TEST 14/22 [tests/handles_indent.phpt]
> PASS correctly handles setting and getting SCSS / SASS file indents 
> [tests/handles_indent.phpt] 
> TEST 15/22 [tests/handles_map.phpt]
> PASS correctly handles setting and getting source map formats 
> [tests/handles_map.phpt] 
> TEST 16/22 [tests/handles_map_root.phpt]
> PASS correctly handles setting map root [tests/handles_map_root.phpt] 
> TEST 17/22 [tests/handles_precision.phpt]
> PASS correctly handles setting and getting precision 
> [tests/handles_precision.phpt] 
> TEST 18/22 [tests/handles_style.phpt]
> PASS correctly handles setting and getting style [tests/handles_style.phpt] 
> TEST 19/22 [tests/old_compile_file_alias_exists.phpt]
> PASS old compile_file() alias exists 
> [tests/old_compile_file_alias_exists.phpt] 
> TEST 20/22 [tests/parse_file_parses_file.phpt]
> PASS compileFile() compiles correct file [tests/parse_file_parses_file.phpt] 
> TEST 21/22 [tests/parse_parses_correct_sass.phpt]
> PASS parse() parses correct Sass [tests/parse_parses_correct_sass.phpt] 
> TEST 22/22 [tests/throw_exception.phpt]
> PASS If there's an error while parsing, throw a SassException 
> [tests/throw_exception.phpt] 
> =====================================================================
> TIME END 2020-02-23 02:51:45
> =====================================================================
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Exts skipped    :    0
> Exts tested     :   15
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Number of tests :   22                22
> Tests skipped   :    0 (  0.0%) --------
> Tests warned    :    0 (  0.0%) (  0.0%)
> Tests failed    :    1 (  4.5%) (  4.5%)
> Tests passed    :   21 ( 95.5%) ( 95.5%)
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Time taken      :    0 seconds
> =====================================================================
> =====================================================================
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> check bundled libsass version [tests/check_bundled_libsass_version.phpt]
> =====================================================================
> make[2]: *** [Makefile:131: test] Error 1
> make[2]: Leaving directory '/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/build-7.4'
> dh_auto_test: error: cd build-7.4 && make -j4 test VERBOSE=1 
> INSTALL_ROOT=/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/debian/php-sass returned exit code 2

The full build log is available from:

A list of current common problems and possible solutions is available at . You're welcome to contribute!

About the archive rebuild: The rebuild was done on EC2 VM instances from
Amazon Web Services, using a clean, minimal and up-to-date chroot. Every
failed build was retried once to eliminate random failures.

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