we're starting to see additional evidence of the seriousness of this
one.  an attempt to (auto-) build python3-pythonmagick failed due to
libboost-python however i just attempted it myself, and:

* apt-get build-dep pulled in replacements for python3-all and
python3-dev (which no longer contain python3.7 or python3.6)
* the linker phase failed with "/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -l-lboost_python-py36"

this is supposed to be linking against *python3.8* (and *only* against
python 3.8).

even if i were to install libboost-python 3.7 (which i am certainly
not going to attempt because boost causes such massive problems) it
would still fail.

even if this build problem were to be "fixed" by the maintainers of
pythonmagick, the result would be the creation ONLY of a version of
python3-pythonmagick that could be installed for python 3.8.

a corresponding version that was safe for installation and use with
python 3.7 would *NOT BE BUILT*.

i cannot emphasise enough how much damage this is going to do to the
python eco-system - first for people using rolling debian/testing
systems and ultimately for people trying debian/10 to debian/11
apt-get dist-upgrades, if not fixed as fast as possible.


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