Hash: SHA1

The situation is now that x2goserver seems to work for me reliably,
including re-connecting to running sessions, but mostly only, when x2go-client
is invoked from the terminal (as shown here):

> andrew@a68n:~$ x2goclient 
> x2go-INFO-1> "Starting X2Go Client"
> x2go-WARNING-1> English language requested, not loading translator.
> x2go-WARNING-1> English language requested, not loading translator.
> QObject::connect: No such slot ONMainWindow::slotCheckAgentProcess()
> x2go-INFO-3> "Started X2Go Client."
> x2go-INFO-8> "Starting connection to server: bulls-eye:22"
> Generating public/private rsa key pair.
> Your identification has been saved in /home/andrew/.x2go/ssh/gen/key.ncTcbn.
> Your public key has been saved in /home/andrew/.x2go/ssh/gen/key.ncTcbn.pub.
> The key fingerprint is:
> SHA256:HbNlfW+YRf3COCyoZq4zTBHXbdBQPB9HjUZ0ywS3JvY X2Go Client RSA user key
> The key's randomart image is:
> +---[RSA 4096]----+
> |       .oB.  ===+|
> |    . . . * ..Bo=|
> |     o   oo+oO.=+|
> |    .   ...** *=o|
> |     . .S o. .oEo|
> |    . +        . |
> |   o +           |
> |    + .          |
> |    .+           |
> +----[SHA256]-----+
> x2go-INFO-6> "Closing X2Go Client ..."
> x2go-INFO-7> "Finished X2Go Client closing hooks."
> andrew@a68n:~$ x2goclient 
> x2go-INFO-1> "Starting X2Go Client"
> x2go-WARNING-1> English language requested, not loading translator.
> x2go-WARNING-1> English language requested, not loading translator.
> QObject::connect: No such slot ONMainWindow::slotCheckAgentProcess()
> x2go-INFO-3> "Started X2Go Client."
> WARNING: failed to kill process group '12550': No such process
> x2go-INFO-8> "Starting connection to server: bulls-eye:22"
> Generating public/private rsa key pair.
> Your identification has been saved in /home/andrew/.x2go/ssh/gen/key.kXCIHn.
> Your public key has been saved in /home/andrew/.x2go/ssh/gen/key.kXCIHn.pub.
> The key fingerprint is:
> SHA256:5gX1fUhEQuUE11l685kYyTaFtMR+SZX2uDafVn4dFo8 X2Go Client RSA user key
> The key's randomart image is:
> +---[RSA 4096]----+
> |          ..*BOoB|
> |         . .oX+B.|
> |        .   oBBo=|
> |         .  ..=**|
> |        S .  ..=+|
> |       o .    Eoo|
> |        .    ..+=|
> |               o=|
> |              . .|
> +----[SHA256]-----+
> x2go-INFO-6> "Closing X2Go Client ..."
> x2go-INFO-7> "Finished X2Go Client closing hooks."
> andrew@a68n:~$ WARNING: failed to kill process group '18481': No such
> process

So indeed technically speaking the issue is mostly resolved, since identical
operation in both modes, graphical, and while x2goclient is running in a
terminal, is a formal issue only. I personally do not consider this an ugly
hack, when I have to use the command-line in order to get some satisfactory
results, and this is not indicating that some of you guys are deeply
corrupt, either.



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