Bug#1027943: regina-normal FTBFS with Python 3.11 as default version

2023-01-23 Thread Benjamin Burton
okay I might just upload that since I’ve already gone through the usual manual testing (e.g., the GUI, desktop integration, etc.) that I do for these packages. Having said that, thanks again both of you. - Ben. -- Prof. Benjamin Burton Computational Geometry & Topology Group Schoo

Bug#998455: regina-normal: b-d on python3-all-dev, but not built for all supported Python3 versions

2021-11-18 Thread Benjamin Burton
Thanks - there is a new upstream release coming hopefully within the next month, and I will update the build-depends when I push that through. - Ben.

Bug#853639: Fix for the regina-normal FTBFS with gcc 7

2017-08-18 Thread Benjamin Burton
Hi Adrian, > A fix for the regina-normal FTBFS with gcc 7 is attached. Having just uploaded the fix that has been sitting on my hard drive while I was on holiday all week, I realised that you had also sent in a patch for this (which of course is the same one-liner as mine). Apologies for the d

Bug#797234: source-highlight, regina-normal and libstdc++6

2015-10-24 Thread Benjamin Burton
> That leaves the question: what to do with this bug? FYI, if a rebuild *is* required then I presume it would be a simple rename from libsource-highlight4 to libsource-highlight4v5; see the (tested) patch below. I’m happy to NMU this if the maintainer does not have time (which is why the chang

Bug#797234: source-highlight, regina-normal and libstdc++6

2015-10-24 Thread Benjamin Burton
in the output from “nm -gC”, but someone else would be better placed than me to give an opinion on whether this is enough for a rebuild. - Ben. -- A/Prof Benjamin Burton Computational Geometry & Topology Group School of Mathematics and Physics The University of Queensland, Australia

Bug#797292: regina-normal now builds

2015-10-24 Thread Benjamin Burton
close 797292 thanks Okay, so on further digging I believe the problem was related to mixed versions of boost-regex. The build failure that was reported in #797292 used a version of source-highlight that was built against boost 1.55, whereas the regina-normal build itself was using boost 1.58 i

Bug#797234: source-highlight library rename

2015-08-30 Thread Benjamin Burton
A/Prof Benjamin Burton Computational Geometry & Topology Group School of Mathematics and Physics The University of Queensland, Australia

Bug#604322: Trying to remove kdelibs4c2a from regina-normal

2011-03-02 Thread Benjamin Burton
> I removed that line :-/ > Ah.. hmm, okay. Maybe it's related to the docs? I saw that some kde docs were being > generated > The doxygen docs should still be generated, but the KDE docs are part of the KDE build, and should be skipped if --disable-kdeui is passed. Anyway: I'm looking into it n

Bug#604322: Trying to remove kdelibs4c2a from regina-normal

2011-03-02 Thread Benjamin Burton
Hi Lisandro, Thanks for looking into this. The build fails after: > > ># All good! >touch configure-stamp > > with exit status 2. > The problem is the sanity checks in debian/rules, right between configure and touch configure-stamp. (This verifies that all the necessary bits are