Source: coq-hierarchy-builder
Version: 1.2.1-11
Severity: serious
Justification: FTBFS
Tags: bookworm sid ftbfs
Usertags: ftbfs-20220728 ftbfs-bookworm


During a rebuild of all packages in sid, your package failed to build
on amd64.

Relevant part (hopefully):
> make[3]: Entering directory '/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>'
> COQC examples/readme.v
> COQC examples/hulk.v
> COQC examples/demo1/hierarchy_1.v
> COQC examples/demo1/hierarchy_0.v
> COQC examples/demo1/hierarchy_2.v
> COQC examples/demo1/hierarchy_3.v
> COQC examples/demo1/hierarchy_4.v
> COQC examples/demo1/hierarchy_5.v
> [1659086976.184132] HB:  start module and section AddComoid_of_Type
> [1659086976.184758] HB:  converting arguments 
> indt-decl
>  (parameter A explicit X0 c0 \
>    record AddComoid_of_Type (sort (typ X1)) Build_AddComoid_of_Type 
>     (field [coercion ff, canonical tt] zero c0 c1 \
>       field [coercion ff, canonical tt] add 
>        (prod `_` c0 c2 \ prod `_` c0 c3 \ c0) c2 \
>        field [coercion ff, canonical tt] addrA 
>         (prod `x` (X2 c0 c1 c2) c3 \
>           prod `y` (X3 c0 c1 c2 c3) c4 \
>            prod `z` (X4 c0 c1 c2 c3 c4) c5 \
>             app
>              [global (indt «eq»), X5 c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5, 
>               app [c2, c3, app [c2, c4, c5]], app [c2, app [c2, c3, c4], 
> c5]]) 
>         c3 \
>         field [coercion ff, canonical tt] addrC 
>          (prod `x` (X6 c0 c1 c2 c3) c4 \
>            prod `y` (X7 c0 c1 c2 c3 c4) c5 \
>             app
>              [global (indt «eq»), X8 c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5, app [c2, c4, c5], 
>               app [c2, c5, c4]]) c4 \
>          field [coercion ff, canonical tt] add0r 
>           (prod `x` (X9 c0 c1 c2 c3 c4) c5 \
>             app
>              [global (indt «eq»), X10 c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5, app [c2, c1, c5], 
>               c5]) c5 \ end-record)) to factories
> [1659086976.186365] HB:  processing key parameter
> [1659086976.187092] HB:  converting factories 
> w-params.nil A (sort (typ «readme.2»)) c0 \ [] to mixins
> [1659086976.187468] HB:  declaring context 
> w-params.nil A (sort (typ «readme.2»)) c0 \ []
> [1659086976.187764] HB:  declaring parameters and key as section variables
> [1659086976.197692] HB:  declare mixin or factory
> [1659086976.198044] HB:  declare record axioms_: sort (typ X1)
> [1659086976.228213] HB:  declare notation Build
> [1659086976.245750] HB:  declare notation axioms
> [1659086976.263949] HB:  start module Exports
> [1659086976.293276] HB:  end modules and sections; export 
> «HB.examples.readme.AddComoid_of_Type.Exports»
> (* 
> Module AddComoid_of_Type.
> Section AddComoid_of_Type.
> Variable A : Type.
> Local Arguments A : clear implicits.
> Section axioms_.
> Local Unset Implicit Arguments.
> Record axioms_ (A : Type) : Type := Axioms_
>   {
>     zero : elpi_ctx_entry_0_;
>     add : elpi_ctx_entry_0_ -> elpi_ctx_entry_0_ -> elpi_ctx_entry_0_;
>     addrA : forall x y z : elpi_ctx_entry_0_, add x (add y z) = add (add x y) 
> z;
>     addrC : forall x y : elpi_ctx_entry_0_, add x y = add y x;
>     add0r : forall x : elpi_ctx_entry_0_, add zero x = x;
>     }.
> End axioms_.
> (*clause _ _ 
>  (decl-location (indt «axioms_») 
>    File "./examples/readme.v", line 4, column 0, character 78:)*)
> Global Arguments axioms_ : clear implicits.
> (*clause _ _ 
>  (decl-location (indc «Axioms_») 
>    File "./examples/readme.v", line 4, column 0, character 78:)*)
> Global Arguments Axioms_ : clear implicits.
> (*clause _ _ 
>  (decl-location (const «zero») 
>    File "./examples/readme.v", line 4, column 0, character 78:)*)
> Global Arguments zero : clear implicits.
> (*clause _ _ 
>  (decl-location (const «add») 
>    File "./examples/readme.v", line 4, column 0, character 78:)*)
> Global Arguments add : clear implicits.
> (*clause _ _ 
>  (decl-location (const «addrA») 
>    File "./examples/readme.v", line 4, column 0, character 78:)*)
> Global Arguments addrA : clear implicits.
> (*clause _ _ 
>  (decl-location (const «addrC») 
>    File "./examples/readme.v", line 4, column 0, character 78:)*)
> Global Arguments addrC : clear implicits.
> (*clause _ _ 
>  (decl-location (const «add0r») 
>    File "./examples/readme.v", line 4, column 0, character 78:)*)
> Global Arguments add0r : clear implicits.
> End AddComoid_of_Type.
> Global Arguments axioms_ : clear implicits.
> Global Arguments Axioms_ : clear implicits.
> (*clause _ _ 
>  (decl-location (const «phant_Build») 
>    File "./examples/readme.v", line 4, column 0, character 78:)*)
> Definition phant_Build : forall (A : Type) (zero : A) (add : A -> A -> A),
>                          (forall x y z : A, add x (add y z) = add (add x y) 
> z) ->
>                          (forall x y : A, add x y = add y x) ->
>                          (forall x : A, add zero x = x) -> axioms_ A :=
>   fun (A : Type) (zero : A) (add : A -> A -> A)
>     (addrA : forall x y z : A, add x (add y z) = add (add x y) z)
>     (addrC : forall x y : A, add x y = add y x)
>     (add0r : forall x : A, add zero x = x) =>
>   {|
>     zero := zero; add := add; addrA := addrA; addrC := addrC; add0r := add0r
>   |}.
> Local Arguments phant_Build : clear implicits.
> Notation Build X1 := ( phant_Build X1).
> (*clause _ _ 
>  (decl-location (const «phant_axioms») 
>    File "./examples/readme.v", line 4, column 0, character 78:)*)
> Definition phant_axioms : Type -> Type := fun A : Type => axioms_ A.
> Local Arguments phant_axioms : clear implicits.
> Notation axioms X1 := ( phant_axioms X1).
> (*clause _ _ 
>  (decl-location (const «identity_builder») 
>    File "./examples/readme.v", line 4, column 0, character 78:)*)
> Definition identity_builder : forall A : Type, axioms_ A -> axioms_ A :=
>   fun (A : Type) (x : axioms_ A) => x.
> Local Arguments identity_builder : clear implicits.
> Module Exports.
> (*clause _ _ 
>  (from (indt «axioms_») (indt «axioms_») (const «identity_builder»))*)
> (*clause _ _ 
>  (phant-abbrev (indt «axioms_») (const «phant_axioms») 
>    «HB.examples.readme.AddComoid_of_Type.axioms»)*)
> (*clause _ _ 
>  (gref-deps (indt «axioms_») 
>    (w-params.nil A (sort (typ «readme.2»)) c0 \ []))*)
> (*clause _ _ 
>  (gref-deps (indc «Axioms_») 
>    (w-params.nil A (sort (typ «readme.2»)) c0 \ []))*)
> (*clause _ _ 
>  (gref-deps (const «zero») 
>    (w-params.nil A (sort (typ «readme.2»)) c0 \
>      [triple (indt «axioms_») [] c0]))*)
> (*clause _ _ 
>  (gref-deps (const «add») 
>    (w-params.nil A (sort (typ «readme.2»)) c0 \
>      [triple (indt «axioms_») [] c0]))*)
> (*clause _ _ 
>  (gref-deps (const «addrA») 
>    (w-params.nil A (sort (typ «readme.2»)) c0 \
>      [triple (indt «axioms_») [] c0]))*)
> (*clause _ _ 
>  (gref-deps (const «addrC») 
>    (w-params.nil A (sort (typ «readme.2»)) c0 \
>      [triple (indt «axioms_») [] c0]))*)
> (*clause _ _ 
>  (gref-deps (const «add0r») 
>    (w-params.nil A (sort (typ «readme.2»)) c0 \
>      [triple (indt «axioms_») [] c0]))*)
> (*clause _ _ (factory-constructor (indt «axioms_») (indc «Axioms_»))*)
> (*clause _ _ (factory-nparams (indt «axioms_») 0)*)
> (*clause _ _ (factory-builder-nparams «phant_Build» 0)*)
> (*clause _ _ 
>  (phant-abbrev (indc «Axioms_») (const «phant_Build») 
>    «HB.examples.readme.AddComoid_of_Type.Build»)*)
> Global Arguments Axioms_ {_}.
> End Exports.
> End AddComoid_of_Type.
> Export AddComoid_of_Type.Exports.
> (*clause _ _ 
>  (module-to-export ./examples/readme.v AddComoid_of_Type.Exports 
>    «HB.examples.readme.AddComoid_of_Type.Exports»)*)
> Notation AddComoid_of_Type X1 := ( AddComoid_of_Type.phant_axioms X1). 
> *)
> [1659086976.379429] HB:  start module AddComoid
> [1659086976.379945] HB:  declare axioms record 
> w-params.nil A (sort (typ «readme.21»)) c0 \
>  [triple (indt «AddComoid_of_Type.axioms_») [] c0]
> [1659086976.380431] HB:  typing class field 
> indt «AddComoid_of_Type.axioms_»
> [1659086976.397539] HB:  declare type record
> [1659086976.416698] HB:  structure: new mixins 
> [indt «AddComoid_of_Type.axioms_»]
> [1659086976.417061] HB:  structure: mixin first class 
> [mixin-first-class (indt «AddComoid_of_Type.axioms_») (indt «axioms_»)]
> [1659086976.417282] HB:  declaring clone abbreviation
> [1659086976.525637] HB:  declaring pack_ constant
> [1659086976.526699] HB:  declaring pack_ constant = 
> fun `A` (sort (typ «readme.21»)) c0 \
>  fun `m` (app [global (indt «AddComoid_of_Type.axioms_»), c0]) c1 \
>   app [global (indc «Pack»), c0, app [global (indc «Class»), c0, c1]]
> [1659086976.529454] HB:  start module Exports
> [1659086976.529863] HB:  making coercion from type to target
> [1659086976.529993] HB:  declare sort coercion
> [1659086976.530381] HB:  exporting unification hints
> [1659086976.530694] HB:  exporting coercions from class to mixins
> [1659086976.531021] HB:  export class to mixin coercion for mixin 
> readme_AddComoid_of_Type
> [1659086976.531539] HB:  accumulating various props
> [1659086976.543080] HB:  stop module Exports
> [1659086976.543824] HB:  declaring on_ abbreviation
> [1659086976.552591] HB:  declaring `copy` abbreviation
> [1659086976.553662] HB:  declaring on abbreviation
> [1659086976.554823] HB:  eta expanded instances
> [1659086976.556478] HB:  postulating A
> [1659086976.573177] HB:  declare mixin instance 
> readme_AddComoid__to__readme_AddComoid_of_Type
> [1659086976.578849] HB:  we can build a readme_AddComoid on eta A
> [1659086976.579390] HB:  declare canonical structure instance 
> structures_eta__canonical__readme_AddComoid
> [1659086976.579874] HB:  Giving name HB_unnamed_mixin_4 to mixin instance 
> readme_AddComoid_of_Type_mixin (eta A) HB_unnamed_factory_2
> [1659086976.583379] HB:  structure instance for 
> structures_eta__canonical__readme_AddComoid is 
> {|
>   sort := eta A;
>   class := {| readme_AddComoid_of_Type_mixin := HB_unnamed_mixin_4 |}
> |}
> [1659086976.587547] HB:  structure instance 
> structures_eta__canonical__readme_AddComoid declared
> [1659086976.587806] HB:  closing instance section
> COQC examples/demo2/classical.v
> [1659086976.589837] HB:  end modules; export 
> «HB.examples.readme.AddComoid.Exports»
> [1659086976.591565] HB:  export 
> «HB.examples.readme.AddComoid.EtaAndMixinExports»
> [1659086976.593292] HB:  exporting operations
> [1659086976.594280] HB:  export operation zero
> [1659086976.597699] HB:  export operation add
> [1659086976.601742] HB:  export operation addrA
> [1659086976.606274] HB:  export operation addrC
> [1659086976.610863] HB:  export operation add0r
> [1659086976.614503] HB:  operations meta-data module: ElpiOperations
> [1659086976.625060] HB:  abbreviation factory-by-classname
> (* 
> Module AddComoid.
> Section axioms_.
> Local Unset Implicit Arguments.
> Record axioms_ (A : Type) : Type := Class
>   { readme_AddComoid_of_Type_mixin : AddComoid_of_Type.axioms_ A; }.
> End axioms_.
> (*clause _ _ 
>  (decl-location (indt «axioms_») 
>    File "./examples/readme.v", line 12, column 0, character 307:)*)
> Global Arguments axioms_ : clear implicits.
> (*clause _ _ 
>  (decl-location (indc «Class») 
>    File "./examples/readme.v", line 12, column 0, character 307:)*)
> Global Arguments Class : clear implicits.
> (*clause _ _ 
>  (decl-location (const «readme_AddComoid_of_Type_mixin») 
>    File "./examples/readme.v", line 12, column 0, character 307:)*)
> Global Arguments readme_AddComoid_of_Type_mixin : clear implicits.
> Section type.
> Local Unset Implicit Arguments.
> Record type  : Type := Pack { sort : Type; class : axioms_ sort; }.
> End type.
> (*clause _ _ 
>  (decl-location (indt «type») 
>    File "./examples/readme.v", line 12, column 0, character 307:)*)
> Global Arguments type : clear implicits.
> (*clause _ _ 
>  (decl-location (indc «Pack») 
>    File "./examples/readme.v", line 12, column 0, character 307:)*)
> Global Arguments Pack : clear implicits.
> (*clause _ _ 
>  (decl-location (const «sort») 
>    File "./examples/readme.v", line 12, column 0, character 307:)*)
> Global Arguments sort : clear implicits.
> (*clause _ _ 
>  (decl-location (const «class») 
>    File "./examples/readme.v", line 12, column 0, character 307:)*)
> Global Arguments class : clear implicits.
> (*clause _ _ 
>  (decl-location (const «phant_clone») 
>    File "./examples/readme.v", line 12, column 0, character 307:)*)
> Definition phant_clone : forall (A : Type) (cT : type) (c : axioms_ A)
>                            (_ : unify Type Type A (sort cT) nomsg)
>                            (_ : unify type type cT (Pack A c) nomsg), type :=
>   fun (A : Type) (cT : type) (c : axioms_ A)
>     (_ : unify Type Type A (sort cT) nomsg)
>     (_ : unify type type cT (Pack A c) nomsg) => Pack A c.
> Local Arguments phant_clone : clear implicits.
> Notation clone X2 X1 := ( phant_clone X2 X1 _ (@id_phant _ _) (@id_phant _ 
> _)).
> (*clause _ _ 
>  (decl-location (const «pack_») 
>    File "./examples/readme.v", line 12, column 0, character 307:)*)
> Definition pack_ :=
>   fun (A : Type) (m : AddComoid_of_Type.axioms_ A) => Pack A (Class A m).
> Local Arguments pack_ : clear implicits.
> Module Exports.
> Coercion sort : readme.AddComoid.type >-> Sortclass.
> Coercion readme_AddComoid_of_Type_mixin : readme.AddComoid.axioms_ >-> 
> readme.AddComoid_of_Type.axioms_.
> (*clause _ _ (factory-nparams (indt «axioms_») 0)*)
> (*clause _ _ 
>  (from (indt «axioms_») (indt «AddComoid_of_Type.axioms_») 
>    (const «readme_AddComoid_of_Type_mixin»))*)
> (*clause _ _ (factory-alias->gref (indt «axioms_») (indt «axioms_»))*)
> (*clause _ _ (is-structure (indt «type»))*)
> (*clause _ _ 
>  (class-def
>    (class (indt «axioms_») (indt «type») 
>      (w-params.nil A (sort (typ «readme.21»)) c0 \
>        [triple (indt «AddComoid_of_Type.axioms_») [] c0])))*)
> (*clause _ _ 
>  (gref-deps (indt «axioms_») 
>    (w-params.nil A (sort (typ «readme.21»)) c0 \ []))*)
> (*clause _ _ 
>  (gref-deps (indc «Class») 
>    (w-params.nil A (sort (typ «readme.21»)) c0 \
>      [triple (indt «AddComoid_of_Type.axioms_») [] c0]))*)
> (*clause _ _ 
>  (gref-deps (const «pack_») 
>    (w-params.nil A (sort (typ «readme.21»)) c0 \
>      [triple (indt «AddComoid_of_Type.axioms_») [] c0]))*)
> (*clause _ _ 
>  (mixin-class (indt «AddComoid_of_Type.axioms_») (indt «axioms_»))*)
> (*clause _ _ (structure-key «sort» «class» (indt «type»))*)
> End Exports.
> Import Exports.
> (*clause _ _ 
>  (decl-location (const «phant_on_») 
>    File "./examples/readme.v", line 12, column 0, character 307:)*)
> Definition phant_on_ : forall (A : type) (_ : phant (sort A)), axioms_ (sort 
> A) :=
>   fun (A : type) (_ : phant (sort A)) => class A.
> Local Arguments phant_on_ : clear implicits.
> Notation on_ X1 := ( phant_on_ _ (Phant X1)).
> Notation copy X2 X1 := ( phant_on_ _ (Phant X1) : axioms_ X2).
> Notation on X1 := ( phant_on_ _ (Phant _) : axioms_ X1).
> Module EtaAndMixinExports.
> Section hb_instance_1.
> Variable A : type.
> Local Arguments A : clear implicits.
> (*clause _ _ 
>  (decl-location (const «HB_unnamed_factory_2») 
>    File "./examples/readme.v", line 12, column 0, character 307:)*)
> Definition HB_unnamed_factory_2 : axioms_ (@eta Type (sort A)) := class A.
> Local Arguments HB_unnamed_factory_2 : clear implicits.
> (*clause _ _ 
>  (decl-location (const «readme_AddComoid__to__readme_AddComoid_of_Type») 
>    File "./examples/readme.v", line 12, column 0, character 307:)*)
> Definition readme_AddComoid__to__readme_AddComoid_of_Type : 
> AddComoid_of_Type.axioms_
>                                                               (@eta Type
>                                                                  (sort A)) :=
>   readme_AddComoid_of_Type_mixin (@eta Type (sort A)) HB_unnamed_factory_2.
> Local Arguments readme_AddComoid__to__readme_AddComoid_of_Type : clear 
> implicits.
> (*clause _ _ 
>  (decl-location (const «HB_unnamed_mixin_4») 
>    File "./examples/readme.v", line 12, column 0, character 307:)*)
> Definition HB_unnamed_mixin_4 :=
>   readme_AddComoid_of_Type_mixin (@eta Type (sort A)) HB_unnamed_factory_2.
> Local Arguments HB_unnamed_mixin_4 : clear implicits.
> (*clause _ _ 
>  (decl-location (const «structures_eta__canonical__readme_AddComoid») 
>    File "./examples/readme.v", line 12, column 0, character 307:)*)
> Definition structures_eta__canonical__readme_AddComoid : type :=
>   Pack (@eta Type (sort A)) (Class (@eta Type (sort A)) HB_unnamed_mixin_4).
> Local Arguments structures_eta__canonical__readme_AddComoid : clear implicits.
> Global Canonical structures_eta__canonical__readme_AddComoid.
> End hb_instance_1.
> End EtaAndMixinExports.
> End AddComoid.
> Export AddComoid.Exports.
> (*clause _ _ 
>  (module-to-export ./examples/readme.v AddComoid.Exports 
>    «HB.examples.readme.AddComoid.Exports»)*)
> Export AddComoid.EtaAndMixinExports.
> (*clause _ _ 
>  (module-to-export ./examples/readme.v AddComoid.EtaAndMixinExports 
>    «HB.examples.readme.AddComoid.EtaAndMixinExports»)*)
> (*clause _ _ 
>  (decl-location (const «zero») 
>    File "./examples/readme.v", line 12, column 0, character 307:)*)
> Definition zero : forall s : AddComoid.type, AddComoid.sort s :=
>   fun s : AddComoid.type =>
> (AddComoid.sort s)
>     (AddComoid.readme_AddComoid_of_Type_mixin (AddComoid.sort s)
>        (AddComoid.class s)).
> Local Arguments zero : clear implicits.
> Global Arguments zero {_}.
> (*clause _ _ 
>  (decl-location (const «add») 
>    File "./examples/readme.v", line 12, column 0, character 307:)*)
> Definition add : forall (s : AddComoid.type) (_ : AddComoid.sort s)
>                    (_ : AddComoid.sort s), AddComoid.sort s :=
>   fun (s : AddComoid.type) (H H0 : AddComoid.sort s) =>
>   AddComoid_of_Type.add (AddComoid.sort s)
>     (AddComoid.readme_AddComoid_of_Type_mixin (AddComoid.sort s)
>        (AddComoid.class s)) H H0.
> Local Arguments add : clear implicits.
> Global Arguments add {_}.
> (*clause _ _ 
>  (decl-location (const «addrA») 
>    File "./examples/readme.v", line 12, column 0, character 307:)*)
> Definition addrA : forall (s : AddComoid.type) (x y z : AddComoid.sort s),
>                    @eq (AddComoid.sort s) (@add s x (@add s y z))
>                      (@add s (@add s x y) z) :=
>   fun (s : AddComoid.type) (x y z : AddComoid.sort s) =>
>   AddComoid_of_Type.addrA (AddComoid.sort s)
>     (AddComoid.readme_AddComoid_of_Type_mixin (AddComoid.sort s)
>        (AddComoid.class s)) x y z.
> Local Arguments addrA : clear implicits.
> Global Arguments addrA {_}.
> (*clause _ _ 
>  (decl-location (const «addrC») 
>    File "./examples/readme.v", line 12, column 0, character 307:)*)
> Definition addrC : forall (s : AddComoid.type) (x y : AddComoid.sort s),
>                    @eq (AddComoid.sort s) (@add s x y) (@add s y x) :=
>   fun (s : AddComoid.type) (x y : AddComoid.sort s) =>
>   AddComoid_of_Type.addrC (AddComoid.sort s)
>     (AddComoid.readme_AddComoid_of_Type_mixin (AddComoid.sort s)
>        (AddComoid.class s)) x y.
> Local Arguments addrC : clear implicits.
> Global Arguments addrC {_}.
> (*clause _ _ 
>  (decl-location (const «add0r») 
>    File "./examples/readme.v", line 12, column 0, character 307:)*)
> Definition add0r : forall (s : AddComoid.type) (x : AddComoid.sort s),
>                    @eq (AddComoid.sort s) (@add s (@zero s) x) x :=
>   fun (s : AddComoid.type) (x : AddComoid.sort s) =>
>   AddComoid_of_Type.add0r (AddComoid.sort s)
>     (AddComoid.readme_AddComoid_of_Type_mixin (AddComoid.sort s)
>        (AddComoid.class s)) x.
> Local Arguments add0r : clear implicits.
> Global Arguments add0r {_}.
> Module ElpiOperations5.
> (*clause _ _ 
>  (exported-op (indt «AddComoid_of_Type.axioms_») 
>    «AddComoid_of_Type.add0r» «add0r»)*)
> (*clause _ _ 
>  (exported-op (indt «AddComoid_of_Type.axioms_») 
>    «AddComoid_of_Type.addrC» «addrC»)*)
> (*clause _ _ 
>  (exported-op (indt «AddComoid_of_Type.axioms_») 
>    «AddComoid_of_Type.addrA» «addrA»)*)
> (*clause _ _ 
>  (exported-op (indt «AddComoid_of_Type.axioms_») «AddComoid_of_Type.add» 
>    «add»)*)
> (*clause _ _ 
>  (exported-op (indt «AddComoid_of_Type.axioms_») 
>    «» «zero»)*)
> (*clause _ _ 
>  (mixin-first-class (indt «AddComoid_of_Type.axioms_») 
>    (indt «AddComoid.axioms_»))*)
> End ElpiOperations5.
> Export ElpiOperations5.
> (*clause _ _ 
>  (module-to-export ./examples/readme.v ElpiOperations5 
>    «HB.examples.readme.ElpiOperations5»)*)
> Notation AddComoid X1 := ( AddComoid.axioms_ X1). 
> *)
> forall (M : AddComoid.type) (x : M), x + x = 0
>      : Prop
> [1659086976.952049] HB:  begin module for builders
> [1659086976.952403] HB:  postulating factories
> [1659086976.952618] HB:  processing key context-item
> [1659086976.952988] HB:  processing mixin parameter a
> [1659086976.953348] HB:  declaring parameters and key as section variables
> AbelianGrp.phant_on_ BinNums_Z__canonical__readme_AbelianGrp
>   (Phant BinNums_Z__canonical__readme_AbelianGrp)
>   : AbelianGrp.axioms_ Z
>      : AbelianGrp.axioms_ Z
> HB: Z is canonically equipped with mixins:
>     - readme.AbelianGrp
>       (from "./examples/readme.v", line 32)
>     - readme.AddComoid
>       (from "./examples/readme.v", line 31)
> COQC examples/demo3/hierarchy_0.v
> COQC examples/demo3/hierarchy_1.v
> File "./examples/demo1/hierarchy_2.v", line 57, characters 0-57:
> Warning:
> pulling in dependencies: 
> [hierarchy_2_AddComoid_of_TYPE, hierarchy_2_AddAG_of_AddComoid] 
> Please list them or end the declaration with '&'
> [HB.implicit-structure-dependency,HB]
> [1659086978.052230] HB:  declare builder from hierarchy_2_Ring_of_AddComoid 
> to hierarchy_2_AddAG_of_AddComoid
> [1659086978.052658] HB:  declare builder from hierarchy_2_Ring_of_AddComoid 
> to hierarchy_2_Ring_of_AddAG
> File "./examples/hulk.v", line 143, characters 0-63:
> Warning:
> pulling in dependencies: [Feather_HasEqDec] 
> Please list them or end the declaration with '&'
> [HB.implicit-structure-dependency,HB]
> COQC examples/demo3/hierarchy_2.v
> COQC examples/demo4/hierarchy_0.v
> COQC examples/demo5/hierarchy_0.v
> HB: A is canonically equipped with mixins:
>     - Feather.Equality
>       Feather.Singleton
>       (from "./examples/hulk.v", line 216)
> COQC examples/FSCD2020_material/V1.v
> inhab
>      : ?s
> where
> ?T : [ |- Type]
> ?s : [ |- s1.type ?T]
> eq_refl : inhab = 7
>      : inhab = 7
> COQC examples/FSCD2020_material/V2.v
> eq_refl : inhab = (7 :: nil)%list
>      : inhab = (7 :: nil)%list
> where
> ?T : [ |- Type]
> fun X : s2.type nat => inhab : X
>      : forall X : s2.type nat, X
> fun X : s2.type nat => inj : nat -> X
>      : forall X : s2.type nat, nat -> X
> s2_to_s1 not a defined object.
> COQC examples/FSCD2020_material/V3.v
> COQC examples/FSCD2020_material/V4.v
> Record type : Type := Pack { sort : Type;  class : Monoid.axioms_ sort }.
> Arguments Monoid.Pack sort%type_scope class
> @add
>      : forall s : Monoid.type, s -> s -> s
> @addNr
>      : forall s : Ring.type, left_inverse 0 opp add
> COQC examples/FSCD2020_talk/V1.v
> HB.check: 
> SemiRing_of_AddComoid.axioms_
>   : (forall (A : Type) (m : AddMonoid_of_TYPE.axioms_ A),
>      AddComoid_of_AddMonoid.axioms_ A m -> Type) 
> : 
> forall (A : Type) (m : AddMonoid_of_TYPE.axioms_ A),
> AddComoid_of_AddMonoid.axioms_ A m -> Type
> COQC examples/FSCD2020_talk/V2.v
> Record type : Type := Pack { sort : Type;  class : Monoid.axioms_ sort }.
> Arguments Monoid.Pack sort%type_scope class
> @add
>      : forall s : Monoid.type, s -> s -> s
> @addNr
>      : forall s : AbelianGroup.type, left_inverse 0 opp add
> @addrC
>      : forall s : AbelianGroup.type, commutative add
> COQC examples/FSCD2020_talk/V3.v
> COQC examples/Coq2020_material/CoqWS_demo.v
> COQC examples/Coq2020_material/CoqWS_abstract.v
> File "./examples/FSCD2020_talk/V2.v", line 17, characters 0-66:
> Warning:
> pulling in dependencies: [V2_is_semigroup] 
> Please list them or end the declaration with '&'
> [HB.implicit-structure-dependency,HB]
> Record type : Type := Pack { sort : Type;  class : Monoid.axioms_ sort }.
> Arguments Monoid.Pack sort%type_scope class
> @add
>      : forall s : Monoid.type, s -> s -> s
> @addNr
>      : forall s : AbelianGroup.type, left_inverse 0 opp add
> @addrC
>      : forall s : AbelianGroup.type, commutative add
> COQC examples/Coq2020_material/CoqWS_expansion/withHB.v
> COQC examples/Coq2020_material/CoqWS_expansion/withoutHB.v
> add
>      : ?s -> ?s -> ?s
> where
> ?s : [ |- CMonoid.type]
> addrC
>      : commutative add
> where
> ?s : [ |- CMonoid.type]
> COQC tests/type_of_exported_ops.v
> File "./examples/Coq2020_material/CoqWS_demo.v", line 73, characters 0-73:
> Warning:
> pulling in dependencies: [CoqWS_demo_CMonoid_of_Type] 
> Please list them or end the declaration with '&'
> [HB.implicit-structure-dependency,HB]
> forall x y : ?t, x - (y + 0) = x
>      : Prop
> where
> ?t : [x : ?t  y : ?t |- AbelianGrp.type] (x, y cannot be used)
> addrC
>      : commutative add
> where
> ?s : [ |- CMonoid.type]
> File "./examples/Coq2020_material/CoqWS_expansion/withoutHB.v", line 10, 
> characters 50-62:
> Warning: The format modifier has no effect for only-parsing notations.
> [discarded-format-only-parsing,parsing]
> COQC tests/duplicate_structure.v
> COQC tests/instance_params_no_type.v
> forall x y : ?t, 1 + x = y * x
>      : Prop
> where
> ?t : [x : ?t  y : ?t |- SemiRing.type] (x, y cannot be used)
> File "./examples/Coq2020_material/CoqWS_abstract.v", line 23, characters 0-71:
> Warning:
> pulling in dependencies: [CoqWS_abstract_CMonoid_of_Type] 
> Please list them or end the declaration with '&'
> [HB.implicit-structure-dependency,HB]
> forall (R : Ring.type) (x y : R), 1 * x = y - x
>      : Prop
> forall
>   (x : 
> join_CoqWS_demo_Ring_between_CoqWS_demo_AbelianGrp_and_CoqWS_demo_SemiRing
>          ?t) (y : ?t), 1 * x = y - x
>      : Prop
> where
> ?t : [x : 
> join_CoqWS_demo_Ring_between_CoqWS_demo_AbelianGrp_and_CoqWS_demo_SemiRing
>             ?t
>       y : ?t |- Ring.type] (x, y cannot be used)
> COQC tests/test_CS_db_filtering.v
> forall x : Z, x * - (1 + x) = 0 + 1
>      : Prop
> COQC tests/subtype.v
> add
>      : A -> A -> A
> Record type : Type := Pack { sort : Type;  class : Monoid.axioms_ sort }.
> Arguments Monoid.Pack sort%type_scope class
> @add
>      : forall s : Monoid.type, s -> s -> s
> @addNr
>      : forall s : AbelianGroup.type, left_inverse 0 opp add
> @addrC
>      : forall s : AbelianGroup.type, commutative add
> COQC tests/infer.v
> forall (G : AbelianGrp.type) (x : G), x - x = 0
>      : Prop
> forall (S : SemiRing.type) (x : S), x * 1 + 0 = x
>      : Prop
> forall (R : Ring.type) (x y : R), x * - (1 * y) = - x * y
>      : Prop
> COQC tests/exports.v
> COQC tests/log_impargs_record.v
> forall x : Z, x * - (1 + x) = 0 + 1
>      : Prop
> forall x : Z, x * - (1 + x) = 0 + 1
>      : Prop
> COQC tests/compress_coe.v
> COQC tests/funclass.v
> (* 
> Module A.
> Section A.
> Variable T : Type.
> Local Arguments T : clear implicits.
> Section axioms_.
> Local Unset Implicit Arguments.
> Record axioms_ (T : Type) : Type := Axioms_
>   {
>     a : elpi_ctx_entry_0_;
>     f : elpi_ctx_entry_0_ -> elpi_ctx_entry_0_;
>     p : forall x : elpi_ctx_entry_0_, f x = x -> True;
>     q : forall h : f a = a, p a h = p a h;
>     }.
> End axioms_.
> Global Arguments axioms_ : clear implicits.
> Global Arguments Axioms_ [_] [_] _ _ _.
> Global Arguments a [_] _.
> Global Arguments f [_] _ _.
> Global Arguments p [_] _ [_] _.
> Global Arguments q [_] _ _.
> End A.
> Global Arguments axioms_ : clear implicits.
> Global Arguments Axioms_ : clear implicits.
> Definition phant_Build : forall (T : Type) (a : T) (f : T -> T)
>                            (p : forall x : T, f x = x -> True),
>                          (forall h : f a = a, p a h = p a h) -> axioms_ T :=
>   fun (T : Type) (a : T) (f : T -> T) (p : forall x : T, f x = x -> True)
>     (q : forall h : f a = a, p a h = p a h) =>
>   {| a := a; f := f; p := p; q := q |}.
> Local Arguments phant_Build : clear implicits.
> Notation Build X1 := ( phant_Build X1).
> Definition phant_axioms : Type -> Type := fun T : Type => axioms_ T.
> Local Arguments phant_axioms : clear implicits.
> Notation axioms X1 := ( phant_axioms X1).
> Definition identity_builder : forall T : Type, axioms_ T -> axioms_ T :=
>   fun (T : Type) (x : axioms_ T) => x.
> Local Arguments identity_builder : clear implicits.
> Module Exports.
> Global Arguments Axioms_ {_}.
> End Exports.
> End A.
> Export A.Exports.
> Notation A X1 := ( A.phant_axioms X1). 
> *)
> A.p :
> forall [T : Type] (record : A.axioms_ T) [x : T], A.f record x = x -> True
> A.p is not universe polymorphic
> Arguments A.p [T]%type_scope record [x] _
> A.p is transparent
> Expands to: Constant HB.tests.log_impargs_record.A.p
> COQC tests/local_instance.v
> bar.phant_type = 
> fun (A : Type) (P : foo.type) (_ : ssreflect.phant P) (B : Type) =>
> bar.type_ A P B
>      : Type -> forall P : foo.type, ssreflect.phant P -> Type -> Type
> Arguments bar.phant_type A%type_scope P _ B%type_scope
> Notation bar.type _elpi_ctx_entry_3_was_A_ _elpi_ctx_entry_2_was_P_
>     _elpi_ctx_entry_1_was_B_ :=
>   (bar.phant_type _elpi_ctx_entry_3_was_A_ _
>      (ssreflect.Phant _elpi_ctx_entry_2_was_P_) _elpi_ctx_entry_1_was_B_)
> bar.phant_type bool Datatypes_nat__canonical__infer_foo 
>   (ssreflect.Phant nat) bool
>      : Type
> COQC tests/lock.v
> id : forall {T : Type}, Monoid.type T -> T
> id is not universe polymorphic
> Arguments id {T}%type_scope {s}
> id is transparent
> Expands to: Constant
> [1659086985.775062] HB:  start module SubInhab
> [1659086985.775493] HB:  declare axioms record 
> w-params.cons T (sort (typ «subtype.307»)) c0 \
>  w-params.cons P (app [global (const «pred»), c0]) c1 \
>   w-params.nil sT (sort (typ «subtype.309»)) c2 \
>    [triple (indt «is_inhab.axioms_») [] c2, 
>     triple (indt «is_SUB.axioms_») [c0, c1] c2]
> [1659086985.776089] HB:  typing class field indt «is_inhab.axioms_»
> [1659086985.776478] HB:  typing class field indt «is_SUB.axioms_»
> bar1.phant_type Datatypes_nat__canonical__infer_foo (ssreflect.Phant nat)
>      : Type
> [1659086985.784695] HB:  declare type record
> [1659086985.792382] HB:  structure: new mixins []
> [1659086985.792660] HB:  structure: mixin first class []
> [1659086985.792780] HB:  declaring clone abbreviation
> [1659086985.800557] HB:  declaring pack_ constant
> [1659086985.802091] HB:  declaring pack_ constant = 
> fun `T` (sort (typ «subtype.307»)) c0 \
>  fun `P` (app [global (const «pred»), c0]) c1 \
>   fun `sT` (sort (typ «subtype.309»)) c2 \
>    fun `m` (app [global (indt «is_inhab.axioms_»), c2]) c3 \
>     fun `m` (app [global (indt «is_SUB.axioms_»), c0, c1, c2]) c4 \
>      app
>       [global (indc «Pack»), c0, c1, c2, 
>        app [global (indc «Class»), c0, c1, c2, c3, c4]]
> [1659086985.804463] HB:  start module Exports
> [1659086985.804816] HB:  making coercion from type to target
> [1659086985.804990] HB:  declare sort coercion
> [1659086985.805285] HB:  exporting unification hints
> [1659086985.807072] HB:  declare coercion subtype_SubInhab__to__subtype_SUB
> [1659086985.808058] HB:  declare coercion hint 
> subtype_SubInhab_class__to__subtype_SUB_class
> [1659086985.814845] HB:  declare unification hint 
> subtype_SubInhab__to__subtype_SUB
> [1659086985.821699] HB:  declare coercion path compression rules
> [1659086985.823584] HB:  declare coercion subtype_SubInhab__to__subtype_Inhab
> COQC tests/not_same_key.v
> [1659086985.824554] HB:  declare coercion hint 
> subtype_SubInhab_class__to__subtype_Inhab_class
> [1659086985.831794] HB:  declare unification hint 
> subtype_SubInhab__to__subtype_Inhab
> [1659086985.839196] HB:  declare coercion path compression rules
> [1659086985.840682] HB:  declare unification hint 
> join_subtype_SubInhab_between_subtype_Inhab_and_subtype_SUB
> [1659086985.848454] HB:  exporting coercions from class to mixins
> [1659086985.849111] HB:  export class to mixin coercion for mixin 
> subtype_is_inhab
> [1659086985.850440] HB:  export class to mixin coercion for mixin 
> subtype_is_SUB
> [1659086985.851438] HB:  accumulating various props
> [1659086985.863588] HB:  stop module Exports
> [1659086985.866132] HB:  declaring on_ abbreviation
> [1659086985.874905] HB:  declaring `copy` abbreviation
> [1659086985.875889] HB:  declaring on abbreviation
> [1659086985.877532] HB:  eta expanded instances
> Monoid.phant_on_ nat Nat_add__canonical__funclass_Monoid
>   (Phantom (nat -> nat -> nat) Nat_add__canonical__funclass_Monoid)
>   : Monoid.axioms_ nat Init.Nat.add
>      : Monoid.axioms_ nat Init.Nat.add
> [1659086985.880186] HB:  postulating T
> [1659086985.885992] HB:  postulating P
> [1659086985.887669] HB:  postulating sT
> [1659086985.905846] HB:  declare mixin instance 
> subtype_SubInhab__to__subtype_is_inhab
> [1659086985.938244] HB:  declare mixin instance 
> subtype_SubInhab__to__subtype_is_SUB
> [1659086985.949165] HB:  skipping already existing subtype_Inhab instance on 
> eta sT
> [1659086985.950097] HB:  skipping already existing subtype_Nontrivial 
> instance on eta sT
> [1659086985.950920] HB:  skipping already existing subtype_SUB instance on 
> eta sT
> [1659086985.952851] HB:  we can build a subtype_SubInhab on eta sT
> [1659086985.953198] HB:  declare canonical structure instance 
> structures_eta__canonical__subtype_SubInhab
> [1659086985.953853] HB:  structure instance for 
> structures_eta__canonical__subtype_SubInhab is 
> {|
>   sort := eta sT;
>   class :=
>     {|
>       subtype_is_inhab_mixin := HB_unnamed_mixin_4 sT;
>       subtype_is_SUB_mixin := HB_unnamed_mixin_19 T P sT
>     |}
> |}
> [1659086985.959829] HB:  structure instance 
> structures_eta__canonical__subtype_SubInhab declared
> [1659086985.960088] HB:  closing instance section
> [1659086985.961806] HB:  end modules; export 
> «HB.tests.subtype.SubInhab.Exports»
> [1659086985.964779] HB:  export 
> «HB.tests.subtype.SubInhab.EtaAndMixinExports»
> [1659086985.965924] HB:  exporting operations
> [1659086985.966276] HB:  operations meta-data module: ElpiOperations
> [1659086985.967469] HB:  abbreviation factory-by-classname
> default : nat
>      : nat
> The command did fail as expected with message: 
> The term "default" has type "nonempty.sort ?t"
> while it is expected to have type "nat".
> Notation big := big.body
> Expands to: Notation HB.tests.lock.X.big
> COQC tests/factory_sort_tac.v
> COQC tests/declare.v
> Monoid.phant_on_ nat Nat_mul__canonical__funclass_Monoid
>   (Phantom (nat -> nat -> nat) Nat_mul__canonical__funclass_Monoid)
>   : Monoid.axioms_ nat Init.Nat.mul
>      : Monoid.axioms_ nat Init.Nat.mul
> [1659086986.387718] HB:  exporting under the module path []
> [1659086986.388290] HB:  exporting modules 
> [Ring_of_TYPE.Exports, Ring.Exports, Ring.EtaAndMixinExports, 
>  ElpiOperations5, RingExports, Dummy.Exports, URing.Exports, 
>  URing.EtaAndMixinExports, ElpiOperations11, dummy.Exports, 
>  Builders_12.dummy_Exports]
> [1659086986.390571] HB:  exporting CS instances 
> [«Z_ring_axioms», «BinNums_Z__canonical__Enclosing_Ring»]
> [1659086986.391315] HB:  exporting Abbreviations [addr0, addrNK]
> forall (R : Enclosing.Ring.type) (x : R), x = x
>      : Prop
> 0%G
>      : ?s
> where
> ?s : [ |- Enclosing.Ring.type]
> : Z
>      : Z
> COQC tests/short.v
> HB.check: 
> forall
>   w : wp.phant_type nat Nat_mul__canonical__funclass_Monoid
>         (Phantom (nat -> nat -> nat) Init.Nat.mul), w = w 
> : Prop
> COQC tests/primitive_records.v
> COQC tests/non_forgetful_inheritance.v
> COQC tests/fix_loop.v
> [1659086986.787859] HB:  start module and section hasA
> [1659086986.788361] HB:  converting arguments 
> indt-decl
>  (parameter T explicit X0 c0 \
>    record hasA (sort (typ X1)) Build_hasA 
>     (field [coercion ff, canonical tt] a c0 c1 \ end-record)) to factories
> [1659086986.788761] HB:  processing key parameter
> [1659086986.789324] HB:  converting factories 
> w-params.nil T (sort (typ «factory_sort_tac.8»)) c0 \ [] to mixins
> [1659086986.789662] HB:  declaring context 
> w-params.nil T (sort (typ «factory_sort_tac.8»)) c0 \ []
> [1659086986.789934] HB:  declaring parameters and key as section variables
> [1659086986.796823] HB:  declare mixin or factory
> [1659086986.797109] HB:  declare record axioms_: sort (typ X1)
> [1659086986.808821] HB:  declare notation Build
> [1659086986.817968] HB:  declare notation axioms
> [1659086986.829976] HB:  start module Exports
> [1659086986.843863] HB:  end modules and sections; export 
> «HB.tests.factory_sort_tac.hasA.Exports»
> hasA.type not a defined object.
> Datatypes_prod__canonical__compress_coe_D = 
> fun D D' : D.type =>
> {|
>   D.sort := D.sort D * D.sort D';
>   D.class :=
>     {|
>       D.compress_coe_hasA_mixin :=
>         prodA (compress_coe_D__to__compress_coe_A D)
>           (compress_coe_D__to__compress_coe_A D');
>       D.compress_coe_hasB_mixin :=
>         prodB tt (compress_coe_D__to__compress_coe_B D)
>           (compress_coe_D__to__compress_coe_B D');
>       D.compress_coe_hasC_mixin :=
>         prodC tt tt (compress_coe_D__to__compress_coe_C D)
>           (compress_coe_D__to__compress_coe_C D');
>       D.compress_coe_hasD_mixin := prodD D D'
>     |}
> |}
>      : D.type -> D.type -> D.type
> Arguments Datatypes_prod__canonical__compress_coe_D D D'
> COQC tests/test_synthesis_params.v
> hasB.type not a defined object.
> aType
>      : Type
> hasB.type not a defined object.
> COQC tests/hnf.v
> Query assignments:
>   Ind = «hasA.axioms_»
> hasAB.type not a defined object.
> hasA'.type not a defined object.
> Query assignments:
>   Ind = «A.axioms_»
> COQC examples/demo1/test_0_0.v
> hasAB.type not a defined object.
> hasA'.type not a defined object.
> COQC examples/demo1/test_1_0.v
> forall T : AB.type,
> unkeyed
>   {|
>     AB.sort := T;
>     AB.class :=
>       let factory_sort_tac_hasA_mixin :=
>         AB.factory_sort_tac_hasA_mixin T (AB.class T) in
>       let factory_sort_tac_hasB_mixin :=
>         AB.factory_sort_tac_hasB_mixin T (AB.class T) in
>       {|
>         AB.factory_sort_tac_hasA_mixin := factory_sort_tac_hasA_mixin;
>         AB.factory_sort_tac_hasB_mixin := factory_sort_tac_hasB_mixin
>       |}
>   |}
>      : Type
> A : A.type
>      : A.type
> A : A.type
>      : A.type
> AB1 : hasB.phant_axioms A -> AB.type
>      : hasB.phant_axioms A -> AB.type
> Bm : hasB.phant_axioms A
>      : hasB.phant_axioms A
> Query assignments:
> AB2 : AB.type
>      : AB.type
>   Ind = «A.type»
> pB : T * T
>      : T * T
> AB3 : AB.type
>      : AB.type
> COQC examples/demo1/test_2_0.v
> Datatypes_nat__canonical__hnf_S = 
> {| S.sort := nat; S.class := {| S.hnf_M_mixin := HB_unnamed_mixin_12 |} |}
>      : S.type
> HB_unnamed_mixin_12 = 
> {| M.x := f.y nat HB_unnamed_factory_10 + 1 |}
>      : M.axioms_ nat
> X : Foo.type A P
>      : Foo.type A P
> Datatypes_bool__canonical__hnf_S = 
> {| S.sort := bool; S.class := {| S.hnf_M_mixin := HB_unnamed_mixin_16 |} |}
>      : S.type
> HB_unnamed_mixin_16 = 
> Builders_6.HB_unnamed_factory_8 bool HB_unnamed_factory_13
>      : M.axioms_ bool
> COQC examples/demo1/test_3_0.v
> COQC examples/demo1/test_3_3.v
> COQC examples/demo1/test_4_0.v
> erefl ?t : ?t = ?t
>      : ?t = ?t
> where
> ?t : [ |- Sq.type]
> COQC examples/demo1/test_4_3.v
> COQC examples/demo1/test_5_0.v
> COQC examples/demo1/test_5_3.v
> COQC examples/demo2/stage10.v
> COQC examples/demo2/stage11.v
> COQC examples/demo3/test_0_0.v
> COQC examples/demo3/test_1_0.v
> COQC examples/demo3/test_2_0.v
> COQC tests/exports2.v
> [1659086990.609848] HB:  exporting under the module path []
> [1659086990.610290] HB:  exporting modules []
> [1659086990.610557] HB:  exporting CS instances []
> [1659086990.610784] HB:  exporting Abbreviations []
> Qcplus_opp_r: forall q : Qc, q + - q = Q2Qc 0
> Finished transaction in 16.025 secs (15.356u,0.665s) (successful)
> Finished transaction in 0. secs (0.u,0.s) (successful)
> HB: skipping section opening
> [1659086995.463922] HB:  declare mixin instance 
> Stage11_JoinTAddAG__to__Stage11_Uniform_wo_Topology
> [1659086995.466632] HB:  declare canonical mixin instance 
> «Stage11_JoinTAddAG__to__Stage11_Uniform_wo_Topology»
> [1659086995.467741] HB:  declare mixin instance 
> Stage11_JoinTAddAG__to__Stage11_Join_Uniform_Topology
> [1659086995.471717] HB:  declare canonical mixin instance 
> «Stage11_JoinTAddAG__to__Stage11_Join_Uniform_Topology»
> [1659086995.472763] HB:  declare mixin instance 
> Stage11_JoinTAddAG__to__Stage11_Join_TAddAG_Uniform
> [1659086995.477625] HB:  declare canonical mixin instance 
> «Stage11_JoinTAddAG__to__Stage11_Join_TAddAG_Uniform»
> [1659086995.478613] HB:  declare mixin instance 
> Stage11_JoinTAddAG__to__Stage11_JoinTAddAG_wo_Uniform
> [1659086995.497107] HB:  declare canonical mixin instance 
> «Stage11_JoinTAddAG__to__Stage11_JoinTAddAG_wo_Uniform»
> [1659086995.498707] HB:  we can build a Stage11_UniformSpace_wo_Topology on 
> Qc
> [1659086995.498990] HB:  declare canonical structure instance 
> Qcanon_Qc__canonical__Stage11_UniformSpace_wo_Topology
> [1659086995.499225] HB:  Giving name HB_unnamed_mixin_92 to mixin instance 
> Builders_68.Stage11_JoinTAddAG__to__Stage11_Uniform_wo_Topology Qc
>   HB_unnamed_mixin_81 HB_unnamed_mixin_86 HB_unnamed_factory_87
> [1659086995.501570] HB:  structure instance for 
> Qcanon_Qc__canonical__Stage11_UniformSpace_wo_Topology is 
> {|
>   UniformSpace_wo_Topology.sort := Qc;
>   UniformSpace_wo_Topology.class :=
>     {|
>       UniformSpace_wo_Topology.Stage11_Uniform_wo_Topology_mixin :=
>         HB_unnamed_mixin_92
>     |}
> |}
> [1659086995.503969] HB:  structure instance 
> Qcanon_Qc__canonical__Stage11_UniformSpace_wo_Topology declared
> [1659086995.504803] HB:  we can build a Stage11_UniformSpace on Qc
> [1659086995.505028] HB:  declare canonical structure instance 
> Qcanon_Qc__canonical__Stage11_UniformSpace
> [1659086995.505471] HB:  structure instance for 
> Qcanon_Qc__canonical__Stage11_UniformSpace is 
> {|
>   UniformSpace.sort := Qc;
>   UniformSpace.class :=
>     {|
>       UniformSpace.Stage11_Topological_mixin := HB_unnamed_mixin_86;
>       UniformSpace.Stage11_Uniform_wo_Topology_mixin := HB_unnamed_mixin_92
>     |}
> |}
> [1659086995.507771] HB:  structure instance 
> Qcanon_Qc__canonical__Stage11_UniformSpace declared
> [1659086995.508617] HB:  we can build a Stage11_TAddAG_wo_Uniform on Qc
> [1659086995.508845] HB:  declare canonical structure instance 
> Qcanon_Qc__canonical__Stage11_TAddAG_wo_Uniform
> [1659086995.509341] HB:  Giving name HB_unnamed_mixin_93 to mixin instance 
> Builders_68.to_JoinTAddAG_wo_Uniform Qc HB_unnamed_mixin_81 
> HB_unnamed_mixin_86
>   HB_unnamed_factory_87
> [1659086995.511630] HB:  structure instance for 
> Qcanon_Qc__canonical__Stage11_TAddAG_wo_Uniform is 
> {|
>   TAddAG_wo_Uniform.sort := Qc;
>   TAddAG_wo_Uniform.class :=
>     {|
>       TAddAG_wo_Uniform.Stage11_AddAG_of_TYPE_mixin := HB_unnamed_mixin_81;
>       TAddAG_wo_Uniform.Stage11_Topological_mixin := HB_unnamed_mixin_86;
>       TAddAG_wo_Uniform.Stage11_JoinTAddAG_wo_Uniform_mixin :=
>         HB_unnamed_mixin_93
>     |}
> |}
> [1659086995.513759] HB:  structure instance 
> Qcanon_Qc__canonical__Stage11_TAddAG_wo_Uniform declared
> [1659086995.514906] HB:  we can build a Stage11_Uniform_TAddAG_unjoined on Qc
> [1659086995.515124] HB:  declare canonical structure instance 
> Qcanon_Qc__canonical__Stage11_Uniform_TAddAG_unjoined
> [1659086995.515795] HB:  structure instance for 
> Qcanon_Qc__canonical__Stage11_Uniform_TAddAG_unjoined is 
> {|
>   Uniform_TAddAG_unjoined.sort := Qc;
>   Uniform_TAddAG_unjoined.class :=
>     {|
>       Uniform_TAddAG_unjoined.Stage11_AddAG_of_TYPE_mixin :=
>         HB_unnamed_mixin_81;
>       Uniform_TAddAG_unjoined.Stage11_Topological_mixin := 
> HB_unnamed_mixin_86;
>       Uniform_TAddAG_unjoined.Stage11_JoinTAddAG_wo_Uniform_mixin :=
>         HB_unnamed_mixin_93;
>       Uniform_TAddAG_unjoined.Stage11_Uniform_wo_Topology_mixin :=
>         HB_unnamed_mixin_92
>     |}
> |}
> [1659086995.517990] HB:  structure instance 
> Qcanon_Qc__canonical__Stage11_Uniform_TAddAG_unjoined declared
> [1659086995.519839] HB:  we can build a Stage11_TAddAG on Qc
> [1659086995.520058] HB:  declare canonical structure instance 
> Qcanon_Qc__canonical__Stage11_TAddAG
> [1659086995.520712] HB:  Giving name HB_unnamed_mixin_94 to mixin instance 
> Builders_68.Stage11_JoinTAddAG__to__Stage11_Join_Uniform_Topology Qc
>   HB_unnamed_mixin_81 HB_unnamed_mixin_86 HB_unnamed_factory_87
> [1659086995.523238] HB:  Giving name HB_unnamed_mixin_95 to mixin instance 
> Builders_68.Stage11_JoinTAddAG__to__Stage11_Join_TAddAG_Uniform Qc
>   HB_unnamed_mixin_81 HB_unnamed_mixin_86 HB_unnamed_factory_87
> [1659086995.525663] HB:  structure instance for 
> Qcanon_Qc__canonical__Stage11_TAddAG is 
> {|
>   TAddAG.sort := Qc;
>   TAddAG.class :=
>     {|
>       TAddAG.Stage11_Uniform_wo_Topology_mixin := HB_unnamed_mixin_92;
>       TAddAG.Stage11_AddAG_of_TYPE_mixin := HB_unnamed_mixin_81;
>       TAddAG.Stage11_Topological_mixin := HB_unnamed_mixin_86;
>       TAddAG.Stage11_Join_Uniform_Topology_mixin := HB_unnamed_mixin_94;
>       TAddAG.Stage11_JoinTAddAG_wo_Uniform_mixin := HB_unnamed_mixin_93;
>       TAddAG.Stage11_Join_TAddAG_Uniform_mixin := HB_unnamed_mixin_95
>     |}
> |}
> [1659086995.528024] HB:  structure instance 
> Qcanon_Qc__canonical__Stage11_TAddAG declared
> entourage : set (set (Qc * Qc))
>      : set (set (Qc * Qc))
> Finished transaction in 11.107 secs (10.591u,0.515s) (successful)
> Module Type
>  new_conceptLocked =
>  Sig
>    Parameter body : nat.
>    Parameter unlock :
>      body =
>      Init.Nat.of_num_uint
>        (Number.UIntDecimal
>           (Decimal.D9
>              (Decimal.D9
>                 (Decimal.D9
>                    (Decimal.D9 (Decimal.D9 (Decimal.D9 Decimal.Nil))))))).
>  End
> Module
> new_concept
>  : new_conceptLocked
> := Struct
>      Definition body : nat.
>      Parameter unlock :
>        new_concept =
>        Init.Nat.of_num_uint
>          (Number.UIntDecimal
>             (Decimal.D9
>                (Decimal.D9
>                   (Decimal.D9
>                      (Decimal.D9 (Decimal.D9 (Decimal.D9 Decimal.Nil))))))).
>    End
> Notation new_concept := new_concept.body
> File "./examples/hulk.v", line 315, characters 0-55:
> Warning:
> pulling in dependencies: [MissingJoin_isTop] 
> Please list them or end the declaration with '&'
> [HB.implicit-structure-dependency,HB]
> File "./examples/hulk.v", line 341, characters 0-55:
> Warning:
> pulling in dependencies: [GoodJoin_isTop] 
> Please list them or end the declaration with '&'
> [HB.implicit-structure-dependency,HB]
> OUTPUT DIFF tests/compress_coe.v
> Datatypes_prod__canonical__compress_coe_D = 
> fun D D' : D.type =>
> {|
>   D.sort := D.sort D * D.sort D';
>   D.class :=
>     {|
>       D.compress_coe_hasA_mixin :=
>         prodA (compress_coe_D__to__compress_coe_A D)
>           (compress_coe_D__to__compress_coe_A D');
>       D.compress_coe_hasB_mixin :=
>         prodB tt (compress_coe_D__to__compress_coe_B D)
>           (compress_coe_D__to__compress_coe_B D');
>       D.compress_coe_hasC_mixin :=
>         prodC tt tt (compress_coe_D__to__compress_coe_C D)
>           (compress_coe_D__to__compress_coe_C D');
>       D.compress_coe_hasD_mixin := prodD D D'
>     |}
> |}
>      : D.type -> D.type -> D.type
> Arguments Datatypes_prod__canonical__compress_coe_D D D'
> OUTPUT DIFF tests/about.v
> HB: AddMonoid_of_TYPE is a factory
>     (from "./examples/demo1/hierarchy_5.v", line 10)
> HB: AddMonoid_of_TYPE operations and axioms are:
>     - zero
>     - add
>     - addrA
>     - add0r
>     - addr0
> HB: AddMonoid_of_TYPE requires the following mixins:
> HB: AddMonoid_of_TYPE provides the following mixins:
>     - hierarchy_5.AddMonoid_of_TYPE
> HB: AddMonoid_of_TYPE.Build is a factory constructor
>     (from "./examples/demo1/hierarchy_5.v", line 10)
> HB: AddMonoid_of_TYPE.Build requires its subject to be already equipped with:
> HB: AddMonoid_of_TYPE.Build provides the following mixins:
>     - hierarchy_5.AddMonoid_of_TYPE
> HB: arguments: AddMonoid_of_TYPE.Build S zero add addrA add0r addr0
>     - S : Type
>     - zero : AddMonoid.sort S
>     - add : S -> S -> S
>     - addrA : associative add
>     - add0r : left_id 0%G add
>     - addr0 : right_id 0%G add
> HB: AddAG.type is a structure (from "./examples/demo1/hierarchy_5.v", line 73)
> HB: AddAG.type characterizing operations and axioms are:
>     - addNr
>     - opp
> HB: hierarchy_5.AddAG is a factory for the following mixins:
>     - hierarchy_5.AddMonoid_of_TYPE
>     - hierarchy_5.AddComoid_of_AddMonoid
>     - hierarchy_5.AddAG_of_AddComoid (* new, not from inheritance *)
> HB: hierarchy_5.AddAG inherits from:
>     - hierarchy_5.AddMonoid
>     - hierarchy_5.AddComoid
> HB: hierarchy_5.AddAG is inherited by:
>     - hierarchy_5.Ring
> HB: hierarchy_5.AddMonoid.type is a structure
>     (from "./examples/demo1/hierarchy_5.v", line 17)
> HB: hierarchy_5.AddMonoid.type characterizing operations and axioms are:
>     - addr0
>     - add0r
>     - addrA
>     - add
>     - zero
> HB: hierarchy_5.AddMonoid is a factory for the following mixins:
>     - hierarchy_5.AddMonoid_of_TYPE (* new, not from inheritance *)
> HB: hierarchy_5.AddMonoid inherits from:
> HB: hierarchy_5.AddMonoid is inherited by:
>     - hierarchy_5.AddComoid
>     - hierarchy_5.AddAG
>     - hierarchy_5.BiNearRing
>     - hierarchy_5.SemiRing
>     - hierarchy_5.Ring
> HB: Ring_of_AddAG is a factory
>     (from "./examples/demo1/hierarchy_5.v", line 108)
> HB: Ring_of_AddAG operations and axioms are:
>     - one
>     - mul
>     - mulrA
>     - mulr1
>     - mul1r
>     - mulrDl
>     - mulrDr
> HB: Ring_of_AddAG requires the following mixins:
>     - hierarchy_5.AddMonoid_of_TYPE
>     - hierarchy_5.AddComoid_of_AddMonoid
>     - hierarchy_5.AddAG_of_AddComoid
> HB: Ring_of_AddAG provides the following mixins:
>     - hierarchy_5.BiNearRing_of_AddMonoid
> Doc: Builds a Ring from an Abelian Group: the absorbing properties mul0r and
>      mul0r are derived from addrC and the other ring axioms, following a proof
>      of Hankel (Gerhard Betsch. On the beginnings and development of near-ring
>      theory. In Near-rings and near-fields. Proceedings of the conference held
>      in Fredericton, New Brunswick, July 18-24, 1993, pages 1–11. Mathematics
>      and its Applications, 336. Kluwer Academic Publishers Group, Dordrecht,
>      1995).
> HB: Ring_of_AddAG.Build is a factory constructor
>     (from "./examples/demo1/hierarchy_5.v", line 108)
> HB: Ring_of_AddAG.Build requires its subject to be already equipped with:
>     - hierarchy_5.AddMonoid_of_TYPE
>     - hierarchy_5.AddComoid_of_AddMonoid
>     - hierarchy_5.AddAG_of_AddComoid
> HB: Ring_of_AddAG.Build provides the following mixins:
>     - hierarchy_5.BiNearRing_of_AddMonoid
> HB: arguments: Ring_of_AddAG.Build A [one] [mul] mulrA mulr1 mul1r mulrDl 
> mulrDr
>     - A : Type
>     - one : A
>     - mul : A -> A -> A
>     - mulrA : associative mul
>     - mulr1 : left_id one mul
>     - mul1r : right_id one mul
>     - mulrDl : left_distributive mul add
>     - mulrDr : right_distributive mul add
> Doc: Builds a Ring from an Abelian Group: the absorbing properties mul0r and
>      mul0r are derived from addrC and the other ring axioms, following a proof
>      of Hankel (Gerhard Betsch. On the beginnings and development of near-ring
>      theory. In Near-rings and near-fields. Proceedings of the conference held
>      in Fredericton, New Brunswick, July 18-24, 1993, pages 1–11. Mathematics
>      and its Applications, 336. Kluwer Academic Publishers Group, Dordrecht,
>      1995).
> HB: add is an operation of structure hierarchy_5.AddMonoid
>     (from "./examples/demo1/hierarchy_5.v", line 17)
> HB: add comes from mixin hierarchy_5.AddMonoid_of_TYPE
>     (from "./examples/demo1/hierarchy_5.v", line 10)
> HB: AddAG.sort is a canonical projection
>     (from "./examples/demo1/hierarchy_5.v", line 73)
> HB: AddAG.sort has the following canonical values:
>     - @eta 
>     - Ring.sort (from "./examples/demo1/hierarchy_5.v", line 196)
>     - Z 
> HB: AddAG.sort is a coercion from hierarchy_5.AddAG to Sortclass
>     (from "./examples/demo1/hierarchy_5.v", line 73)
> HB: Z is canonically equipped with mixins:
>     - hierarchy_5.AddMonoid
>       hierarchy_5.AddComoid
>       hierarchy_5.AddAG
>       (from "(stdin)", line 5)
>     - hierarchy_5.BiNearRing
>       hierarchy_5.SemiRing
>       hierarchy_5.Ring
>       (from "(stdin)", line 10)
> HB: hierarchy_5_Ring_class__to__hierarchy_5_SemiRing_class is a coercion from
>     hierarchy_5.Ring to hierarchy_5.SemiRing
>     (from "./examples/demo1/hierarchy_5.v", line 196)
> HB: hierarchy_5_Ring__to__hierarchy_5_SemiRing is a coercion from
>     hierarchy_5.Ring to hierarchy_5.SemiRing
>     (from "./examples/demo1/hierarchy_5.v", line 196)
> HB: todo HB.about for builder from hierarchy_5.Ring_of_AddAG to 
> hierarchy_5.BiNearRing_of_AddMonoid
> HB: synthesized in file File "(stdin)", line 5, column [-122,-] {+0,+} 
> make[4]: *** [Makefile.test-suite.coq.local:22: post-all] Error 1

The full build log is available from:

All bugs filed during this archive rebuild are listed at:;

A list of current common problems and possible solutions is available at . You're welcome to contribute!

If you reassign this bug to another package, please marking it as 'affects'-ing
this package. See

If you fail to reproduce this, please provide a build log and diff it with mine
so that we can identify if something relevant changed in the meantime.

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