Michel Dänzer said:
>> I know. The previously attached backtrace was obtained with
>> libgl1-mesa-swx11,
>> running amaya with the --sync parameter, so there might be a problem
>> there
>> too. Doing the same with libgl1-mesa-glx and DRI disabled, I get the
>> attached one. Could wxWidgets be doin
On Fri, 2006-04-28 at 21:12 +0100, Regis Boudin wrote:
> On Thu, 2006-04-27 at 18:28 +0200, Michel Dänzer wrote:
> >
> > > -no crash with the nvidia proprietary driver, display is happy.
> > >
> > > When I tried using gdb to get a backtrace(attached), all I got was a
> > > long list of calls invo
On Thu, 2006-04-27 at 18:28 +0200, Michel Dänzer wrote:
> > All running tests point to a problem with Mesa :
> > -crash with Mesa in software mode
> You mean the X error from the original report?
Yes, I meant this one.
> Did you find out which extension generates it using
> xdpyinfo -query
On Die, 2006-04-25 at 23:24 +0100, Regis Boudin wrote:
> Ok, si this bug is now starting to turn me crazy.
> All running tests point to a problem with Mesa :
> -crash with Mesa in software mode
You mean the X error from the original report? Did you find out which
extension generates it using
Ok, si this bug is now starting to turn me crazy.
All running tests point to a problem with Mesa :
-crash with Mesa in software mode
-no crash with Mesa using the ATI DRI, but weird display of the web
-no crash with the nvidia proprietary driver, display is happy.
When I tried using gdb to
Hi Andrea,
Andrea De Michele said:
> Hi Regis,
> May be the following can be useful:
> If I start amaya with a file name, like:
> ~$ amaya file.html
> the program starts correctly with file.html open.
> May be the problem is with the Welcome start page of amaya.
> In fact if I start simply amay
Hi Regis,
May be the following can be useful:
If I start amaya with a file name, like:
~$ amaya file.html
the program starts correctly with file.html open.
May be the problem is with the Welcome start page of amaya.
In fact if I start simply amaya:
~$ amaya file.html
I see for few second the ama
Hi Andrea,
Andrea De Michele said:
> Hi Regis,
> I used ati driver without DRI.
> I do not use DRI because it give me some problem: when i switch console
> (CTRL+ALT+Fn) the system crash if DRI is loaded.
Thanks for the additional informations. This tend to confirm my thoughts
that the problem is
Hi Regis,
I used ati driver without DRI.
I do not use DRI because it give me some problem: when i switch console
(CTRL+ALT+Fn) the system crash if DRI is loaded.
Anyway today I have tried amaya with DRI loaded and amaya crash with the
following message:
09:22:28: Deleted
Hi Andrea,
After a kernel update making amaya crash and further tests, I tend more
and more to think the problem comes from the use of Mesa.
Could you please let me know you configuration, especially :
-which video driver you use
-if you use the DRI
For the record, in my case :
-with the nvidia
tags 357439 +confirmed
This is a known problem, which appears on some machines but not some
others, depending on... Well, nobody seems to actually know what's wrong.
Thanks for the report.
Andrea De Michele said:
> Package: amaya
> Version: 9.4-2
> Severity: grave
> Justificat
Package: amaya
Version: 9.4-2
Severity: grave
Justification: renders package unusable
amaya does not start. I received the following error message:
The program 'amaya' received an X Window System error.
This probably reflects a bug in the program.
The error was 'BadMatch (invalid parameter attrib
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