Package: reportbug
Version: 3.22
Severity: grave

check the following logs

$ reportbug texlive-base-bin
*** Welcome to reportbug.  Use ? for help at prompts. ***
Using 'LI Daobing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>' as your from address.
Detected character set: UTF-8
Please change your locale if this is incorrect.

Getting status for texlive-base-bin...
Checking for newer versions at
Your version of texlive-base-bin (2005.dfsg.1-1) is newer than that in
Debian! Do you still want to file a report [y|N|q|?]? y
Will send report to Debian (per lsb_release).
Querying Debian BTS for reports on texlive-bin (source)...
13 bug reports found:

Outstanding bugs -- Important bugs; Unclassified (1 bug)
  1) #361953: texlive-bin: No license statement for fontinst/text/*

Outstanding bugs -- Normal bugs; Unclassified (1 bug)
  2) #369569: texlive-base-bin: xdvi dies with sigseg

Outstanding bugs -- Minor bugs; Unclassified (1 bug)
  3) #380227: texlive-bin: Why is the source in a archive?

Resolved bugs -- Grave functionality bugs (2 bugs)
  4) #369763: texlive-base-bin: not installable in sid and obsolete
libxaw8-dev build-dep
  5) #375642: texlive-base-bin: Cannot install - missing
texlive-common package.

Resolved bugs -- Important bugs (1 bug)
  6) #351707: texlive-base-bin: replacement of tetex with texlive fails

Resolved bugs -- Normal bugs (7 bugs)
  7) #352092: texlive-pdfetex: thumbpdf is a broken symlink
  8) #356390: texlive-extra-utils: texdoc does not find all documents
  9) #356391: texlive-extra-utils: bug in "bug" script
 10) #368659: texlive-extra-utils: Missing Depends on perl-tk
 11) #369634: texlive-base-bin: xdvi displays broken fonts
 12) #376524: texlive-base-bin: Uses symlinks for configuration files
 13) #381521: texlive-bin: changelog.Debian.gz not in utf8 encoding
(1-13/13) Is the bug you found listed above [y|N|m|r|q|s|f|?]?
Maintainer for texlive-base-bin is 'Debian TeX Maintainers
Looking up dependencies of texlive-base-bin...

Please briefly describe your problem (you can elaborate in a moment;
an empty response will stop reportbug). This should be
a concise summary of what is wrong with the package, for example,
"fails to send email" or "does not start with -q option
can't install
Rewriting subject to 'texlive-base-bin: can't install'

Enter any additional addresses this report should be sent to; press
ENTER after each address. Press ENTER on a blank line to

Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "/usr/bin/reportbug", line 1731, in ?
 File "/usr/bin/reportbug", line 1471, in main
   listcc += ui.get_multiline('Enter any additional addresses this
report should be sent to; press ENTER after each address.')
TypeError: argument to += must be iterable

LI Daobing

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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