clone 402811 -1 -2 -3 reassign -1 linux-modules-contrib-2.6 reassign -2 linux-modules-extra-2.6 reassign -3 linux-modules-nonfree-2.6 thanks
module-assistant and linux-modules-* need to agree on a consistent versioning scheme, and both need to add epochs to the kernel module packages they generate, since current behavior as to whose packages can be upgraded to whose varies depending on the version number of the package that's currently installed. (I believe that module-assistant's packages should have an epoch that's one higher than linux-modules-*'s epoch so that linux-module-*'s packages cannot ever supercede module-assistant's potentially customized versions of the same modules, but this may be a debatable point.) acx100-source (whose version number is 20070101-3) will prefer module-assitant at the moment, since 20070101-3+2.6.24 (m-a's) >> 2.6.24+20070101-3 (l-m-e's). module-assistant versions built before fixing m-a will supercede those built after fixing m-a if an epoch is not added. on the other hand, it isn't correct to merely fix linux-modules-extra, because other modules have the reverse situation ivtv-source (whose version number is 0.16.4-2) will upgrade module-assistant's modules to linux-modules-extra's versions, since 1.0.3-2+2.6.24 (m-a's) << 2.6.24+1.0.3-2 (l-m-e's). --Ken -- Ken (Chanoch) Bloom. PhD candidate. Linguistic Cognition Laboratory. Department of Computer Science. Illinois Institute of Technology.
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