Package: dibbler-client
Version: 0.4.2.dfsg-2
Severity: serious


dibbler-client is sending an option type 2 (Server Identifier) instead
of an option type 1 (Client Identifier) in SOLICIT messages, as
requested in RFC3315.

Here is the client configuration:
  # 8 (Debug) is most verbose. 7 (Info) is usually the best option
  log-level 7

  iface eth0 {
        # ask for address

        # ask for options
        #option dns-server
        option domain
        #option ntp-server

Here is the client log:
  14:15:19 Info      Processing msg (SOLICIT,transID=0x22bed2,opts: 2 3
  8 6)
  14:15:19 Notice    Sleeping for 113 second(s).

and the server one:
14:17:10 Warning   Option 2 not allowed in message type=1. Ignoring.
14:17:10 Notice    Received SOLICIT on eth-lan/3,TransID=0x22bed2, 3
  opts: 3 8 6, 0 relay(s).
14:17:10 Warning   Invalid message received.
14:17:10 Notice    Accepting connections. Next event in 4294967295

tshark confirms the bug:
    Message type: Solicit (1)
    Transaction-ID: 0x000a5007
    Server Identifier
        option type: 2
        option length: 14
        DUID type: link-layer address plus time (1)
        Hardware type: NET/ROM pseudo (0)
        Time: 1175096748
        Link-layer address: 00508D4D3358
    Identity Association for Non-temporary Address
        option type: 3
        option length: 40
        IAID: 1
        T1: infinity
        T2: infinity
        IA Address
            option type: 5
            option length: 24
            IPv6 address: ::
            Preferred lifetime: infinity
            Valid lifetime: infinity
    Elapsed time
        option type: 8
        option length: 4
        ELAPSED-TIME: malformed option
    Option Request
        option type: 6
        option length: 2
        Requested Option code: Domain Search List (24)

It seems the option type 2 problem is not the only one, as the server
said to ignore it. So, i wonder if the missing option type 1, or perhaps
the malformed option type 8 (see tshark dump), is reponsible for SOLICIT
requests to be discarded.

Whatever, this bug renders the package unusuable, thus the bug severity.


Marc Dequènes (Duck)

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