
Attached is a debdiff of the changes I made for 1.50-1.1 0-day NMU.

diff -u mimetex-1.50/debian/changelog mimetex-1.50/debian/changelog
--- mimetex-1.50/debian/changelog
+++ mimetex-1.50/debian/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
+mimetex (1.50-1.1) unstable; urgency=high
+  * Non-maintainer upload by the testing Security Team.
+  * mimetex.c: replace strcpy with strninit macro that uses strncpy, adjust
+    some buffer sizes. (CVE-2009-1382)
+  * mimetex.c: disable input and counter tags. (CVE-2009-2459)
+    Thanks to Marc Deslauriers (Closes: 537254)
+ -- Giuseppe Iuculano <iucul...@debian.org>  Sat, 10 Oct 2009 12:26:58 +0200
 mimetex (1.50-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * New upstream release, closes: #276687
only in patch2:
--- mimetex-1.50.orig/mimetex.c
+++ mimetex-1.50/mimetex.c
@@ -378,6 +378,22 @@
 #include "mimetex.h"
+/* ---
+ * internal buffer sizes
+ * --------------------- */
+#if !defined(MAXEXPRSZ)
+  #define MAXEXPRSZ (32768-1)          /*max #bytes in input tex expression*/
+#if !defined(MAXSUBXSZ)
+  #define MAXSUBXSZ (((MAXEXPRSZ+1)/2)-1)/*max #bytes in input subexpression*/
+#if !defined(MAXTOKNSZ)
+  #define MAXTOKNSZ (((MAXSUBXSZ+1)/4)-1) /* max #bytes in input token */
+#if !defined(MAXFILESZ)
+  #define MAXFILESZ (65536-1)          /*max #bytes in input (output) file*/
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 adjustable default values
 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
@@ -563,6 +579,15 @@
        { char *p; while((p=strchr((s),(c)))!=NULL) strcpy(p,p+1); } else
 #define        slower(s)  if ((s)!=NULL)       /* lowercase all chars in s */ \
        { char *p=(s); while(*p!='\000'){*p=tolower(*p); p++;} } else
+/* --- check if a string is empty --- */
+#define        isempty(s)  ((s)==NULL?1:(*(s)=='\000'?1:0))
+/* --- strncpy() n bytes and make sure it's null-terminated --- */
+#define        strninit(target,source,n) if( (target)!=NULL && (n)>=0 ) { \
+         char *thissource = (source); \
+         (target)[0] = '\000'; \
+         if ( (n)>0 && thissource!=NULL ) { \
+           strncpy((target),thissource,(n)); \
+           (target)[(n)] = '\000'; } }
 /* ---
  * PART2
@@ -7008,7 +7033,7 @@
 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 char   *texsubexpr(), picexpr[2049], *picptr=picexpr, /* picture {expre} */
        putexpr[256], *putptr,*multptr, /*[multi]put (x,y[;xinc,yinc;num])*/
-       pream[64], *preptr,             /* optional put preamble */
+       pream[96], *preptr,             /* optional put preamble */
        picelem[1025];                  /* picture element following put */
 subraster   *rasterize(), *picelemsp=NULL, /* rasterize picture elements */
        *new_subraster(), *picturesp=NULL, /* subraster for entire picture */
@@ -7085,11 +7110,13 @@
   *pream = '\000';                     /* init preamble as empty string */
   if ( (putptr=strchr(putexpr,'$')) != NULL ) /*check for $ pream terminator*/
     { *putptr++ = '\000';              /* replace $ by '\0', bump past $ */
-      strcpy(pream,putexpr); }         /* copy leading preamble from put */
+      strninit(pream,putexpr,92); }    /* copy leading preamble from put */
   else                                 /* look for any non-digit preamble */
-    { for ( preptr=pream,putptr=putexpr; ; putptr++ )
+    { int npream = 0;                  /* #chars in preamble */
+      for ( preptr=pream,putptr=putexpr; ; npream++,putptr++ )
        if ( *putptr == '\000'          /* end-of-putdata signalled */
-       ||   !isalpha((int)(*putptr)) ) break; /* or found non-alpha char */
+       ||   !isalpha((int)(*putptr))   /* or found non-alpha char */
+       ||   npream > 92 ) break;       /* or preamble too long */
        else *preptr++ = *putptr;       /* copy alpha char to preamble */
       *preptr = '\000'; }              /* null-terminate preamble */
   /* --- interpret preamble --- */
@@ -7130,7 +7157,7 @@
    } /* --- end-of-if(*preptr!='\000') --- */
   if ( msgfp!=NULL && msglevel>=29 )   /* debugging */
-    "picture> pream;x,y;xinc,yinc;num=\"%s\";%.2lf,%.2lf;%.2lf,%.2lf;%d\n",
+    "picture> pream;x,y;xinc,yinc;num=\"%s\";%.2f,%.2f;%.2f,%.2f;%d\n",
   /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
   now obtain {...} picture element following [multi]put, and rasterize it
@@ -7171,7 +7198,7 @@
          ypos = height - iy; }         /* so set for upper instead */
     if ( msgfp!=NULL && msglevel>=29 ) /* debugging */
-      "picture> inum,x,y,ix,iy,xpos,ypos=%d,%.2lf,%.2lf,%d,%d,%d,%d\n",
+      "picture> inum,x,y,ix,iy,xpos,ypos=%d,%.2f,%.2f,%d,%d,%d,%d\n",
     /* --- embed token raster at xpos,ypos, and quit if out-of-bounds --- */
     if ( !rastput(picturerp,picelemsp->image,ypos,xpos,0) ) break;
@@ -7362,7 +7389,7 @@
 /* --- now interpret xdiam[,ydiam] returned in circexpr --- */
 if ( (qptr=strchr(circexpr,';')) != NULL ) /* semicolon signals quads data */
   { *qptr = '\000';                    /* replace semicolon by '\0' */
-    strcpy(quads,qptr+1);              /* save user-requested quads */
+    strninit(quads,qptr+1,128);                /* save user-requested quads */
     if ( (qptr=strchr(quads,',')) != NULL ) /* have theta0,theta1 instead */
       {        *qptr = '\000';                 /* replace , with null */
        theta0 = strtod(quads,NULL);    /* theta0 precedes , */
@@ -7842,11 +7869,11 @@
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Allocations and Declarations
 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-char   *texsubexpr(), tag[512]="\000", filename[1024]="\000"; /* args */
+char   *texsubexpr(), tag[1024]="\000", filename[1024]="\000"; /* args */
 subraster *rasterize(), *inputsp=NULL; /* rasterized input image */
 int    status, rastreadfile(); /* read input file */
 int    format=0, npts=0;       /* don't reformat (numerical) input */
-char   subexpr[8192],          /* concatanated lines from input file */
+char   subexpr[MAXFILESZ+1] = "\000",          /* concatanated lines from 
input file */
        *mimeprep(),            /* preprocess inputted data */
        *dtoa(), *reformat=NULL; /* reformat numerical input */
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -7854,14 +7881,14 @@
 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- parse for optional [tag] or [fmt] arg, bump expression past it --- */
 if ( *(*expression) == '[' )           /* check for []-enclosed value */
-  { char argfld[2048];                 /* optional argument field */
+  { char argfld[MAXTOKNSZ+1];          /* optional argument field */
     *expression = texsubexpr(*expression,argfld,"[","]",0,0);
     if ( (reformat=strstr(argfld,"dtoa")) != NULL ) /* dtoa requested */
       {        format = 1;                     /* signal dtoa() format */
        if ( (reformat=strchr(reformat,'=')) != NULL ) /* have dtoa= */
          npts = (int)strtol(reformat+1,NULL,0); } /* so set npts */
     if ( format == 0 )                 /* reformat not requested */
-      strcpy(tag,argfld); }            /* so interpret arg as tag */
+      strninit(tag,argfld,1020); }     /* so interpret arg as tag */
 /* --- parse for {filename} arg, and bump expression past it --- */
 *expression = texsubexpr(*expression,filename,"{","}",0,0);
 /* --- check for alternate filename:tag --- */
@@ -7870,10 +7897,11 @@
  { char        *delim = strchr(filename,':');  /* look for : in filename:tag */
    if ( delim != (char *)NULL )                /* found it */
     { *delim = '\000';                 /* null-terminate filename at : */
-      strcpy(tag,delim+1); } }         /* and stuff after : is tag */
+      strninit(tag,delim+1,1020); } }  /* and stuff after : is tag */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Read file and rasterize constructed subexpression
 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+if ( 0 ) {                             /* Disabled to fix CVE-2009-2459 */
 status = rastreadfile(filename,tag,subexpr); /* read file */
 if ( *subexpr == '\000' ) goto end_of_job;   /* quit if problem */
 /* --- rasterize input subexpression  --- */
@@ -7883,6 +7911,13 @@
    if ( d != 0.0 )                     /* conversion to double successful */
     if ( (reformat=dtoa(d,npts)) != NULL ) /* reformat successful */
      strcpy(subexpr,reformat); }       /*replace subexpr with reformatted*/
+  }
+/* Send an error message to the user */
+"\\ \\text{[\\backslash input\\lbrace %.128s\\rbrace\\ not permitted]}\\ ",
 inputsp = rasterize(subexpr,size);     /* rasterize subexpression */
 /* --- return input image to caller --- */
@@ -7923,7 +7958,7 @@
 Allocations and Declarations
 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 char   *texsubexpr(), filename[1024]="\000", /* counter file */
-       logfile[1024]="\000", tag[512]="\000"; /* log file and tag */
+       logfile[1024]="\000", tag[1024]="\000"; /* log file and tag */
 subraster *rasterize(), *countersp=NULL; /* rasterized counter image */
 FILE   *fp=NULL, *logfp=NULL;  /* counter and log file pointers */
 int    rastreadfile(), rastwritefile(); /* to read and write counter file */
@@ -7981,6 +8016,13 @@
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Read and parse file, increment and rewrite counter (with optional underscore)
 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Disabled to fix CVE-2009-2459 */
+"\\ \\text{[\\backslash counter\\lbrace %.128s\\rbrace\\ not permitted]}\\ ",
+goto rasterize_counter;                /* rasterize error message */
 if ( strlen(filename) > 1 )            /* make sure we got {filename} arg */
   /* --- read and interpret first (and only) line from counter file --- */
@@ -8042,6 +8084,7 @@
     strcat(text,ordinal[ordindex]);    /* then st,nd,rd, or th */
     strcat(text,"}}"); }               /* finish with }} */
 /* --- rasterize it --- */
 countersp = rasterize(text,size);      /* rasterize counter subexpression */
 /* --- return counter image to caller --- */

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