Package: nvi
Version: 1.81.6-8
Severity: serious

If I rebuild nvi using current sid, with default libdb-dev using db4.8, the 
build succeeds.  However, the resulting binary doesn't work at all:

frobozz:/tmp# vi testfile
fop_read_meta: /var/tmp/vi.recover/vi.Je8Ndc: unexpected file type or format
/var/tmp/vi.recover/vi.Je8Ndc: Invalid type 5 specified
fop_read_meta: /var/tmp/vi.recover/vi.Azz2JV: unexpected file type or format
/var/tmp/vi.recover/vi.Azz2JV: Invalid type 5 specified
ex/vi: Error: testfile: Invalid argument
ex/vi: Error: /tmp/vi.qIVye1: Invalid argument

This happens even if I manually remove all old /var/tmp/vi.recover/* 
directories.  Also, each failed attempt to run vi leaves behind two 
directories in /var/tmp/vi.recover (which aren't the same as the directories 
named in the error messages).
Daniel Schepler

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