Package: src:ruby-rest-client
Version: 1.8.0-1
Severity: serious
Tags: sid stretch

fails the tests in unstable with:


  1) RestClient::Request closes payload if not nil
     Failure/Error: test_file.closed?.should be_true
       expected true to respond to `true?` or perhaps you meant `be true` or
     # ./spec/unit/request2_spec.rb:29:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'

  2) RestClient::Request proxy creates a non-proxy class if a proxy url is not 
     Failure/Error: @request.net_http_class.proxy_class?.should be_false
       expected false to respond to `false?` or perhaps you meant `be false` or
     # ./spec/unit/request_spec.rb:364:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'

  3) RestClient::Request proxy creates a proxy class if a proxy url is given
     Failure/Error: @request.net_http_class.proxy_class?.should be_true
       expected true to respond to `true?` or perhaps you meant `be true` or
     # ./spec/unit/request_spec.rb:360:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'

Deprecation Warnings:

Using `should` from rspec-expectations' old `:should` syntax without explicitly
enabling the syntax is deprecated. Use the new `:expect` syntax or explicitly
enable `:should` with `config.expect_with(:rspec) { |c| c.syntax = :should }`
instead. Called from
`block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'.

Using `stub` from rspec-mocks' old `:should` syntax without explicitly enabling
the syntax is deprecated. Use the new `:expect` syntax or explicitly enable
`:should` instead. Called from
/home/packages/tmp/ruby-rest-client-1.8.0/spec/unit/request_spec.rb:8:in `block
(2 levels) in <top (required)>'.

If you need more of the backtrace for any of these deprecations to
identify where to make the necessary changes, you can configure
`config.raise_errors_for_deprecations!`, and it will turn the
deprecation warnings into errors, giving you the full backtrace.

2 deprecation warnings total

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