Bug#803275: forcemerge 810709 803275 and others

2016-04-07 Thread Mattia Rizzolo
On Thu, Apr 07, 2016 at 04:25:11PM +0200, Ole Streicher wrote: > Could you explain why you did these changes? because I read 803275 quickly and didn't recognized it as a ftbfs report of archs were it never compiled, and at a first glance it looked 2 ftbfs report both valid but one (this) a bit mis

Bug#803275: forcemerge 810709 803275 and others

2016-04-07 Thread Ole Streicher
Hi Matthia, I think that 810709 and 803275 are quite distinct problems: * 803275 is on failures on several non-amd64 architectures * 810709 is a general FTBFS due to a changed Cython/3.5 Also, 803411 still blocks 803275, since the problem mentioned there caused the FTBFS on s390 (although this i