
On Fri, Jan 20, 2017 at 10:15:29PM +0100, Ole Streicher wrote:
> The problems seem simple: First, buth RC bugs could be merged IMO since
> they point to the same problem. The two arrays are only "nearly
> identical"; unclear why, but I would just change the equal to a
> "almost-equal" and report this upstream.
> #849368 documents another failure as well; IMO the according test could
> be extended to compare either with "blue", or with the 4-tuple. The
> latter seems to be returned by matplotlib 2 (where the get_axis_bg() is
> deprecated anyway).

I think

--- a/seaborn/tests/test_axisgrid.py
+++ b/seaborn/tests/test_axisgrid.py
@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ class TestFacetGrid(PlotTestCase):

         g = ag.FacetGrid(self.df, subplot_kws=dict(axisbg="blue"))
         for ax in g.axes.flat:
-            nt.assert_equal(ax.get_axis_bgcolor(), "blue")
+            nt.assert_almost_equal(ax.get_axis_bgcolor(), "blue")

     def test_gridspec_kws(self):

is fixing #849368 but my attempt to fix the other bug in a similar
manner failed since the almost thingy does not exist for lists.

I have opened an issue upstream:


Kind regards


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