Processed: Re: Bug#859419: non-functional after installation (service fails to start)

2017-05-08 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing control commands: > severity -1 important Bug #859419 [opendnssec-enforcer] non-functional after installation (service fails to start) Severity set to 'important' from 'serious' -- 859419: Debian Bug Tracking System Contact ow..

Bug#859419: non-functional after installation (service fails to start)

2017-05-08 Thread Ondřej Surý
Control: severity -1 important Hi, this is not something really fixable without breaking existing user base (for now). The problem is that you need configured and initialized HSM store for the keys, and that something the user must do manually, because he is expected to provide his own HSM - and

Bug#859419: non-functional after installation (service fails to start)

2017-04-03 Thread Michael Biebl
Package: opendnssec-enforcer Version: 1:2.0.4-2 Severity: serious After running apt-get install opendnssec-enforcer in a pristine Debian stretch test VM, the service is in a non-functional state. See attached screenshot -- System Information: Debian Release: 9.0 APT prefers unstable-debug