Source: moria
Version: 5.6.debian.1-2
Severity: serious
Justification: debian policy 4.6

The Debian policy requires that a build aborts on errors rather than
continuing. The moria package is interesting in this regard:

    ( cd build ; $(MAKE) )

It tries to cd to build and then runs make wherever it lands. As it
happens, the clean target removes the build folder. So the cd fails and
it runs the build directly in the source directory.

That's actually the correct thing to do as the upstream Makefile's
default target insists on setting up the build directory. The cd call
can only succeed after setting up the build directory and nothing else
in debian/rules takes care of that.

I therefore think that that this chaining (that happens in more places)
is in violation of the Debian policy section 4.6. It also is grossly
misleading and makes contributing to the package unnecessarily


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