Processing commands for
> retitle 837613 libconfig-model-itself-perl: FTBFS in testing (failing tests)
Bug #837613 {Done: gregor herrmann }
[src:libconfig-model-itself-perl] libconfig-model-itself-perl: FTBFS in sid
(failing tests)
Changed Bug title to 'libconfig-model-i
Processing commands for
> retitle 837613 libconfig-model-itself-perl: FTBFS in sid (failing tests)
Bug #837613 {Done: gregor herrmann }
[src:libconfig-model-itself-perl] libconfig-model-itself-perl: FTBFS in testing
(failing tests)
Changed Bug title to 'libconfig-model-i
Processing commands for
> affects 837133 = src:libconfig-model-itself-perl
Bug #837133 {Done: Dominique Dumont } [libconfig-model-perl]
Dump of value containing hash is broken
Removed indication that 837133 affects libconfig-model-itself-perl
Added indication that 837133
3 matches
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