Processing commands for
> forwarded 1089729
Unknown command or malformed arguments to command.
Unknown command or malformed arguments to command.
> tags 1089729 + pendin
Processing commands for
> reassign 1074752 src:uranium
Bug #1074752 [src:cura] cura: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: cd
obj-x86_64-linux-gnu && make -j8 test ARGS\+=--verbose ARGS\+=-j8 returned exit
code 2
Bug reassigned from package 'src:cura' to 'src:uranium'.
No longer m
Processing commands for
> block 1053956 by 1054896
Failed to set blocking bugs of 1053956: Not altering archived bugs; see
> merge 1054896 1051901
Bug #1054896 [libasound2] libasound2: alsa 1.2.10-1 segfaults on i386
Unable to merge bugs because:
blocks of #10
Processing commands for
> block 1054896 by 1053956
Bug #1054896 [libasound2] libasound2: alsa 1.2.10-1 segfaults on i386
No valid blocking bug(s) given; not doing anything
Failed to set blocking bugs of 1054896: Unknown/archived blocking
> merge 1054896 1
Processing commands for
> severity 1054896 serious
Bug #1054896 [libasound2] libasound2: alsa 1.2.10-1 segfaults on i386
Severity set to 'serious' from 'grave'
> block 1054896 1053956
Unknown command or malformed arguments to command.
> merge 1054896 1051901
Bug #1054896 [
Processing commands for
> severity serious 1054896
Unknown command or malformed arguments to command.
> tags 1054896 fixed-upstream upstream
Bug #1054896 [libasound2] libasound2: alsa 1.2.10-1 segfaults on i386
Added tag(s) fixed-upstream and upstream.
> forwarded 1054896
Processing commands for
> reassign 1032930 src:libnest2d 5.0.0-1
Bug #1032930 [src:pynest2d] pynest2d: FTBFS with cmake 3.25: Libnest2D could
not be found because dependency clipper could not be found.
Bug reassigned from package 'src:pynest2d' to 'src:libnest2d'.
No long
Processing commands for
> reassign 1028679 maven-javadoc-plugin
Bug #1028679 [src:akuma] akuma: FTBFS: [WARNING] Failed to retrieve plugin
descriptor for org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-release-plugin:2.5.3: Plugin
org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-release-plugin:2.5.3 or on
Processing commands for
> merge 1022776 1022775
Bug #1022776 [samba] samba: unable to upgarde to 2:4.16.6+dfsg-2
Unable to merge bugs because:
severity of #1022775 is 'serious' not 'normal'
Failed to merge 1022776: Did not alter merged bugs.
> I was too late, sorry! :-)
Processing commands for
> forwarded 1000574
Unknown command or malformed arguments to command.
Unknown command or malformed arguments to command.
> forwarded 1000619 https://github.c
Processing commands for
> forwarded 1000574
Unknown command or malformed arguments to command.
Unknown command or malformed arguments to command.
> forwarded 1000619 https://github.c
Processing commands for
> forcemerge 997238 997263
Bug #997238 [libgstreamermm-1.0-dev] lordsawar: FTBFS: gatomic.h:113:19: error:
argument 2 of ‘__atomic_load’ must not be a pointer to a ‘volatile’ type
Unable to merge bugs because:
package of #997263 is 'src:subtitleedi
Processing commands for
> merge 997238 997263
Bug #997238 [libgstreamermm-1.0-dev] lordsawar: FTBFS: gatomic.h:113:19: error:
argument 2 of ‘__atomic_load’ must not be a pointer to a ‘volatile’ type
Unable to merge bugs because:
forwarded of #997263 is '' not
Processing commands for
> clone 944490 -1 -2 -3
Bug #944490 [postfixadmin] Multiple errors that make the package unusable
Bug 944490 cloned as bugs 988034-988036
> merge -1 857791
Bug #988034 [postfixadmin] Multiple errors that make the package unusable
Bug #988034 [postfi
Processing commands for
> unblock 966907 965130
Unknown command or malformed arguments to command.
> merge 966016 966907
Bug #966016 [src:logrotate] logrotate FTBFS with libselinux 3.1
Unable to merge bugs because:
blockedby of #966907 is '' not '965130'
Failed to merge 96
Processing commands for
> tags 958000 fixed-upstream
Bug #958000 [src:xserver-xorg-video-openchrome] xserver-xorg-video-openchrome:
ftbfs with GCC-10
Added tag(s) fixed-upstream.
> forwarded 958000
Unknown command or malformed arguments to command.
> https://cgit.freedesk
Processing commands for
> reassign 963080 src:chromium
Bug #963080 [chromium] chromium: crashing due to ffmpeg 4.3 update
Bug #963175 [chromium] chromium: crashing due to ffmpeg 4.3 update
Bug reassigned from package 'chromium' to 'src:chromium'.
Bug reassigned from packag
Processing commands for
> merge 946387 pcre2
Unknown command or malformed arguments to command.
> forcemerge 946221 946387
Bug #946221 {Done: Matthew Vernon } [pcre2] rspamd:
segfault with pcre2 10.34, works with 10.32
Unable to merge bugs because:
package of #946387 is '
Processing commands for
> reassign 934959 src:sunpy 0.9.6-2
Bug #934959 [src:python-mock, src:sunpy] python-mock breaks sunpy autopkgtest
Bug reassigned from package 'src:python-mock, src:sunpy' to 'src:sunpy'.
No longer marked as found in versions sunpy/0.9.6-2 and python
Processing commands for
> block 915102 by 808839
Bug #915102 [src:scilab] scilab: FTBFS on amd64: Could not find or use the Java
package/jar jlatexmath-fop used by LaTex Rendering
915102 was not blocked by any bugs.
915102 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s)
Processing commands for
> unmerge #884184
Bug #884184 [src:boost-defaults] boost1.62 FTBFS error: partial specialization
... after instantiation ...
Bug #883987 [src:boost-defaults] rheolef: FTBFS error: partial specialization
... after instantiation ...
Bug #884185 [sr
Processing commands for
> forcemerge 868290 868342
Bug #868290 {Done: Gianfranco Costamagna }
[virtualbox-dkms] virtualbox-dkms: Needs rebuild against debhelper/10.6.4
(missing files)
Bug #868342 [virtualbox-dkms] virtualbox-dkms: module fails to build: fatal
error: VBo
Processing commands for
> reassign 862969 r-base 3.4.0-1
Bug #862969 [r-cran-sp] r-cran-sp needs recompilation for R 3.4.0 ?
Bug reassigned from package 'r-cran-sp' to 'r-base'.
No longer marked as found in versions r-cran-sp/1:1.2-4-1.
Ignoring request to alter fixed vers
Processing commands for
> retitle 858564 Cannot access anything under a subdirectory if symlinks
Bug #858564 [samba] samba: Since 8u4, Samba does not allow files not in root
directory of share
Changed Bug title to 'Cannot access anything under a subdirectory if symlinks'
Processing commands for
> # 45.7 doesn't inherit from 45.6...
> found 855344 icedove/1:45.7.1-1
Bug #855344 [icedove] thunderbird: retains mails from removed IMAP accounts
Marked as found in versions icedove/1:45.7.1-1.
> thanks
Stopping processing here.
Please contact me
Processing commands for
> # this isn't a regression, so reassign to icedove so that the bts / britney
> # don't think this is a new bug in testing
> reassign 855344 icedove 1:45.6.0-2
Bug #855344 [thunderbird] thunderbird: retains mails from removed IMAP accounts
Bug reass
Processing commands for
> tags 851003 moreinfo unreproducible !
Unknown tag/s: !.
Recognized are: patch wontfix moreinfo unreproducible fixed potato woody sid
help security upstream pending sarge sarge-ignore experimental d-i confirmed
ipv6 lfs fixed-in-experimental fixe
Processing commands for
> reopen 832125
Failed to reopen 832125: Not altering archived bugs; see unarchive.
> forcemerge 841213 832125
Bug #841213 [chromium] chromium: Crash at startup
Bug #832125 {Done: Michael Gilbert } [chromium] chromium:
Chromium immediately crashes
Processing commands for
> fowarded 833288
Unknown command or malformed arguments to command.
> reassign 833288 cython
Bug #833288 [macs] would FTBFS now with cython 0.24.1
MACS2/IO/PeakIO.pyx:632:49: Cannot assign type 'float' t
Processing commands for
> severity 823166 important
Bug #823166 [src:swift] swift: FTBFS: AssertionError: Items in the first set
but not the second:
Severity set to 'important' from 'serious'
> thx
Unknown command or malformed arguments to command.
> Can't reproduce it, s
Processing commands for
> reassign 818600 systemd 215-17+deb8u4
Bug #818600 [mate-settings-daemon] mate-settings-daemon cannot create file
/run/user//dconf/user and fills up the memory (24 GB!)
Bug #818601 [mate-settings-daemon] mate-settings-daemon cannot create file
Processing commands for
> # transition started
> severity 816115 serious
Bug #816115 [libopenvrml-dev] openvrml-dev: Please depend on libpng-dev instead
of libpng12-dev
Severity set to 'serious' from 'important'
> severity 809935serious
Unknown command or malformed argume
Processing commands for
> fixed 818597 2.8.0-2
Bug #818597 {Done: Gianfranco Costamagna }
[libcpprest2.7] libcpprest2.7: not installed
There is no source info for the package 'libcpprest2.7' at version '2.8.0-2'
with architecture ''
Unable to make a sou
Processing commands for
> #>> merge 801170 790423
> #> Bug #801170 [libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0] Missing dependency on shared-mime-info
> #> Unable to merge bugs because:
> #> affects of #790423 is 'awesome,icewm' not 'icewm,awesome'
> #> Failed to merge 801170: Did not alter merge
Processing commands for
> reassign 781172 mdadm 3.3.2-5
Bug #781172 [base] base: Stock Debian Jessie - can't boot off degraded raid1?
Bug reassigned from package 'base' to 'mdadm'.
Ignoring request to alter found versions of bug #781172 to the same values
previously set
Processing commands for
> severity 717215 serious
Bug #717215 [isc-dhcp-server] dhcpd: 5 bad udp checksums in 5 packets
Bug #717217 [isc-dhcp-server] dhcpd: 5 bad udp checksums in 5 packets
Severity set to 'serious' from 'normal'
Severity set to 'serious' from 'normal'
> f
Processing commands for
> reassign -1 768509 gosa
Failed to clear fixed versions and reopen on -1: The 'bug' parameter ("-1") to
Debbugs::Control::set_package did not pass regex check
> retitle -1 768509 gosa: fails to provide correctly encoded LDAP admin
> password af
Processing commands for
> severity 763301 important
Bug #763301 [xul-ext-zotero] xul-ext-zotero: broken with iceweasel 31.1.0esr-1
Severity set to 'important' from 'grave'
> Michele Cane, PhD.
Unknown command or malformed arguments to command.
> Sent from my Android devic
Processing commands for
> retitle 763602 mirage: crashes on startup with "Attempt to unlock mutex
Bug #763602 [mirage] Crashes on startup with "Attempt to unlock mutex that was
not locked"
Changed Bug title to 'mirage: crashes on startup with "Attempt to unlock mutex'
Processing commands for
> severity 763803 serious
Bug #763803 [ettercap-common] ettercap-common: cannot be upgraded because
conflicts with same version of ettercap-graphical
Severity set to 'serious' from 'normal'
> thanks,
Unknown command or malformed arguments to comman
Processing commands for
> reassign 690278 gtk3-engines-unico
Unknown command or malformed arguments to command.
> forcemerge 706330 690278
Bug #706330 [gtk3-engines-unico] Some applications segfaults after upgrade to
Bug #709548 [gtk3-engines-unico] libgtk-3-0: m
Processing commands for
> forcemerge 753427 755121
Bug #753427 [libnfs-dev] libnfs-dev: makes xbmc FTBFS
Unable to merge bugs because:
package of #755121 is 'src:xbmc' not 'libnfs-dev'
Failed to forcibly merge 753427: Did not alter merged bugs
Processing commands for
> reassign maven-repo-helper 740001 74 739998
Unknown command or malformed arguments to command.
> found 739998 1.8.6
Bug #739998 [src:cobertura] cobertura: FTBFS: Maven error
The source 'cobertura' and version '1.8.6' do not appear to match any
Processing commands for
> severity 712102 grave
Bug #712102 [pidgin-microblog] pidgin-microblog: Plugin is not Twitter API 1.1
Severity set to 'grave' from 'important'
> retitle Plugin is not Twitter API 1.1 compliant and no longer functions
Unknown command or m
Processing commands for
> unarchive 698914
Bug #698914 {Done: Colin Watson } [grub-efi] grub-efi
booting Windows 8 in UEFI mode
Unarchived Bug 698914
> forcemerge 698914 680720
Bug #698914 {Done: Colin Watson } [grub-efi] grub-efi
booting Windows 8 in UEFI mode
Unable to
Processing commands for
> tag 717674 + pending
Bug #717674 [glipper] glipper: fix help with python-distutils-extra 2.38
Added tag(s) pending.
> tag 718158 + pending
Bug #718158 [src:glipper] glipper: FTBFS: find:
`debian/glipper/usr/share/gnome/help/glipper/C/': No such f
Processing commands for
> forcemerge 705495 705385
Bug #705495 [libtbb2] libtbb2: On powerpc parallel_for and parallel_reduce may
Unable to merge bugs because:
package of #705385 is 'src:mia' not 'libtbb2'
Failed to forcibly merge 705495: Did not alter merged bugs
Processing commands for
> assign 712926 gnome-shell 3.4.2-8
Unknown command or malformed arguments to command.
> merge 712861 712926
Bug #712861 {Done: Emilio Pozuelo Monfort } [gnome-shell]
gnome-bluetooth: Breaks gnome-shell: GnomeBluetoothApplet.KillswitchState is
Processing commands for
> retitle ibus/1.5.x: important regressions
Unknown command or malformed arguments to command.
> tags 700076 = upstream
Bug #700076 [ibus] ibus: non-functional, setup breaks
Added tag(s) upstream; removed tag(s) pending and patch.
> severity 700076
Processing commands for
> forcemerge 651636 673469 688640
Bug #651636 [libwebkitgtk-1.0-0] GtkLauncher segfaults on mipsel,
Unable to merge bugs because:
package of #673469 is 'libwebkitgtk-3.0-0' not 'libwebkitgtk-1.0-0'
package of #688640 is 'libjavas
Processing commands for
> severity 696284 serious
Bug #696284 [binutils-gold] binutils-gold: Broken on armel due to 16-bit
aligned ehdr assumed 32-bit aligned
Severity set to 'serious' from 'important'
> justification 696284 unusable without workarounds (echo 2 >
Processing commands for
> reopen 672851
Bug #672851 {Done: Marco d'Itri } [netbase] netbase 5.0: network
connection does not come up upon reboot
Bug #672862 {Done: Marco d'Itri } [netbase] Package is not
installable in unstable since depends on experimental ifupdown
Processing commands for
> reassign 672023 qwtplot3d
Bug #672023 [src:goldencheetah] goldencheetah: FTBFS:
qwt3d_openglhelper.h:67:31: error: 'gluErrorString' was not declared in this
Bug reassigned from package 'src:goldencheetah' to 'qwtplot3d'.
No longer marked a
Processing commands for
> block 667411 by 671438
Bug #667411 [volview] volview: ftbfs with GCC-4.7
667411 was not blocked by any bugs.
667411 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 667411: 671438
> thanks
Stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you nee
Processing commands for
> tags 668701 + wontfix
Unknown tag/s: wontfix.
Recognized are: patch wontfix moreinfo unreproducible fixed potato woody sid
help security upstream pending sarge sarge-ignore experimental d-i confirmed
ipv6 lfs fixed-in-experimental fixed-upstrea
Processing commands for
> severity 659592 important
Bug #659592 [python-django-horizon] python-django-horizon depends on obsolete
Severity set to 'important' from 'serious'
> New releases don't have this problem. Downgrading severity. We'll
Unknown command
Processing commands for
> tags 657750 help confirmed
Bug #657750 [src:boinc] boinc: FTBFS: error: storage size of 'sg' isn't known
Added tag(s) confirmed and help.
> tags 658231 help confirmed
Bug #658231 [boinc-client] boinc-client: SIGSEGV on start
Added tag(s) confirmed
Processing commands for
> block 640511 by 650936
Bug #640511 [wnpp] ITP: volview -- Advanced volume visualization tool
Was blocked by: 640662 640522
Added blocking bug(s) of 640511: 650936
> thanks
Stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance.
Processing commands for
> unarchive 555635
Bug #555635 {Done: Lucas Nussbaum } [wnpp] RFP: dita-ot --
transforms DITA content (maps and topics) into deliverable formats
Unarchived Bug 555635
> reopen 555635
Bug #555635 {Done: Lucas Nussbaum } [wnpp] RFP: dita-ot --
Processing commands for
> reopen 555635
Failed to reopen 555635: Not altering archived bugs; see unarchive.
> block 638693 by 555635
Bug #638693 [serna-free] serna-free: Embeds ant, avalon-framework, batik, fop,
icu4j, xalan and possibly other java libraries
Was not bloc
Processing commands for
> severity 644180 minor
Bug #644180 [hylafax-server] hylafax-server errors during installation
Severity set to 'minor' from 'serious'
> I'm sorry, I set the wrong severity for the bug.
Unknown command or malformed arguments to command.
> Anyway I
Processing commands for
> retitle 621402 libboost1.46-dev: FTBFS rdepends:
Bug #621402 [libboost1.46-dev] pion-net: FTBFS:
/usr/include/boost/asio/ssl/detail/openssl_context_service.hpp:73: error:
'::SSLv2_method' has not been declared
Bug #622070 [libboost1.46-dev] witt
Processing commands for
> # redo change by Ben Hutchings lost by crossposting
> retitle 575226 radeonhd does not support KMS - results in blank screen when
Bug #575226 [xserver-xorg-video-radeonhd] radeonhd broken with KMS
Changed Bug title to 'radeonhd does not support KM
Processing commands for
> block 565188 by 568162
Bug #565188 [plymouth] plymouth: no bootsplash at all
Was not blocked by any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 565188: 568162
> thanks
Stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance.
Debian bug tracking sy
Processing commands for
> clone 558130 -1
Bug#558130: gns3 crashes on start
Bug 558130 cloned as bug 558680.
> reassign -1 python-sip4
Bug #558680 [gns3] gns3 crashes on start
Bug reassigned from package 'gns3' to 'python-sip4'.
Bug No longer marked as found in versions g
Processing commands for
> reassign 543002 libwxgtk2.8-0
Bug #543002 [libpadre-plugin-nopaste-perl] libpadre-plugin-nopaste-perl: FTBFS:
Can't load '/usr/lib/perl5/auto/Wx/' for module Wx:
/usr/lib/perl5/auto/Wx/ symbol _ZN14wxTreeCtrlBase11CollapseAllEv,
Processing commands for
> severity 466421 grave
Bug #466421 [hsqldb-server] hsqldb-server: errors in init script
Severity set to 'grave' from 'normal'
> tag 466421 + pending
Bug #466421 [hsqldb-server] hsqldb-server: errors in init script
Processing commands for
> reopen 532324
Bug #532324 {Done: (Marco d'Itri)} [udev] udev init script
bash+dashism: assumes printf is a builtin
Failed to reopen 532324: can't find location for 532324.
> reassign 532324 tech-ctte
Bug #532324 {Done: m...@linux.i
Processing commands for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> tag 492333 -unreproducible +confirmed
Unknown tag/s: +confirmed.
Recognized are: patch wontfix moreinfo unreproducible fixed potato woody sid
help security upstream pending sarge sarge-ignore experimental d-i confirmed
ipv6 lfs fixed-in-experimental f
Processing commands for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> tags 413729 + fixed
Bug#413729: acpid: does not load available acpi modules
Tags were: patch
Tags added: fixed
> Kind regards
Unknown command or malformed arguments to command.
> Nico
Unknown command or malformed arguments to command.
> --
Stopping p
Processing commands for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> severity 399251 normal
Bug#399251: error instantiating 'org.apache.juli.ClassLoaderLogManager'
Severity set to `normal' from `serious'
> tag 399251 - confirmed
Bug#399251: error instantiating 'org.apache.juli.ClassLoaderLogManager'
Tags were: confirmed
Processing commands for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> clone 395167 -1
Bug#395167: Tomcat doesn't run with java-gcj-compat-dev
Bug 395167 cloned as bug 399251.
> reassign -1 libgcj7-0
Bug#399251: Tomcat doesn't run with java-gcj-compat-dev
Bug reassigned from package `tomcat5.5' to `libgcj7-0'.
> tag -1 -
Processing commands for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> # There are two bugs here. First the logger problem.
> clone 395167 libgcj7-0 -1
Unknown command or malformed arguments to command.
> reassign -1 libgcj7-0
Bug number -1 not found. (Is it archived?)
> retitle -1 LogManager class loading failure with T
73 matches
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