Is there any website that I can browse about the show of chinese 
translation, like Debian Reference or Debian 
Handbook 原始邮件 -----
发件人:Boyuan Yang <>
收件人:Anthony <>, Debian-zh_CN 
抄送人:Chinese <>
主题:Re: Translate for Debian Edu using Weblate web client?
日期:2017年02月24日 20点55分

在 2017年2月24日星期五 CST 上午7:34:40,Anthony 写道:
> Hi Boyuan,
> Do you mind open two Chinese versions: simplified and traditional?
I don't mind opening another translation (I'm not using traditional one 
actually). Maybe you need to get into contact with Debian Edu Team for a new 
language option on Weblate.
Boyuan Yang
