The next Debian CTTE Meeting is at

date -d 'Wed March 30 18:00:00 UTC 2016'

in #debian-ctte on

The current agenda is below; please make any changes necessary in git.


#topic Who is here?

#topic Next Meeting?

  * Current winners
         Option H "Wednesday 18:00 UTC (April 27th)"
         Option I "Wednesday 19:00 UTC (April 27th)"
         Option L "Thursday 17:00 UTC (April 28th)"
         Option M "Thursday 18:00 UTC (April 28th)"

  * May meeting
         Option H "Wednesday 18:00 UTC (May 25th)"
         Option I "Wednesday 19:00 UTC (May 25th)"
         Option L "Thursday 17:00 UTC (May 26th)"
         Option M "Thursday 18:00 UTC (May 26th)"

#topic #741573 Menu systems - Debian Policy followup

   1. Uploaded to delayed

#topic #797533 New CTTE members

   1. Discussing nominees; any additional information needed
   2. Still missing reviews from almost everyone

#topic Additional Business


Don Armstrong            

Rule 6: "If violence wasn't your last resort, you failed to resort to
enough of it."
  -- Howard Tayler _Schlock Mercenary_  March 13th, 2005

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